Ver. 5. the 8th Gbdpitekóflbd ROMANS. regarded the,offers of Mercy in the Gofpel, certainly you have loll your time, neglected your duty, and betrayed your fouls ; what have you been doing ? Have you been gó- verned by the flefh,or by the fpirit ? If all your care bath been about back and belly, and your thoughts have reached no higher than the riches, and honours, and pleafuresi and applaufe, and efteem of the world, and Heaven and heavenly things have been lit- tle regarded, alas l for the prefentyou are in the high:ívay to he: and everlaftingde- ftruhion, if you do nót corre$ your errór i fune, ând more carnally mind other things. 2. Ton mull not only mind the things of the fpirit, but prize and chafe them for your workandhappinefs, for force of then- Gëloñg to ÿotif dirty, and fouie to your felicity, Luk. ro. 42, One thing is necef ry, and Mary path chofn the better part, which Jha11 never be taken from her. Give your hearty confent to Peek after that happinefs in that way; without choice or a determinate fixed bent of htakt4 you will never throughly ingage your felves to God; determine not only that you muff, but you will walk in the way which God bath let fortlrfor you : All' will ehuf$haPpitìefs before rniferly,,'brit they t f are out ht the eañs, they do not chute the good of holinels before the plèafi,res of fin; nor the life of faith before the life of fence ; If you havemore mind to keep fin than to let it go, you are (till charmed and inchanted with the delights of the fletb, your will and refolution is not fixed. 3. To this add an indullriouspurfnit and fekingafter theft things; for our choice is known by our purfuhiánd our bent by our work ; thefe thingsmuflbe diligently fought afrer, that we may behave our felves like men that aredefirous to have what they Peek, Heb. II. 6: God is a rewarder of them that diligentlyleek him. Everlatling Joys will not drop into the mouth of the lazy foul ; thefe things are not trifles, they will colt us diligence and ferionfnefs, Phil. 2. 12. Workout your falvation with fear and trembling. It is a weighty work, and it mull be followed dole; if you mifcarry in ir, you are undone for ever ; but if yon happily get through it, you are in a bleffed flare in- deed. 4. Thumuff ferkafter the priviledges of the Gofyel in Gods may. You cannot have fpi- ritual life, and Adoption, and Juflification by Chrill, till you are united to him by faith, z John 5. 12. He that hath the Son, bath life : and he that bath not the Son, bath not life. You cannot have Heaven and Glory, but by patient continuance in well doing, Rom. 2.3. To them that by patient continuance in well doing ftekfor glory, and honour, and immor- tality, eternal life. You cannot have the end, but in the ufe of means, and you do not like the end if you do not like the Means; till you come to God by Quiff, you cannot live the life of Grace; and till you live the Life of Grace, you are not capable of Glory, Therefore you multask your fouls often, What have Itofhow for my Title to Salvati- on, more than moll of' the world have ? 5. It is not enough that you feek after them in Gods way, but you muff Peek after them above other things : A feeble defirecannot maintain it fell againft flefhly lifts and temptatitbrr; if you have a mincl to thefe things, and a greater mind to other things; your refolution will be loon Ihaken, carnal things will intercept the vigor and life of your fouls ; thefe things muli be fought fiat, and moll ; all molt be fold for the Pearl of Price, Mat. 13. 45,46. 6. Tau mull beg of God to give you a net), mend; and .d a new heart ; Both to difcern and relilh fpiritual things ;for your old corruptminds and hearts will never do ir, t Cor. 2, 14. The natural man reiteiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolifhinefi to him; neither can he receive them becaute they are fpiritually difcerned. He cannot' accept, nor favingly underftand thefe things fo as to believe them with a found belief, and a large affettion: Exhortations are in vain, for inclination here doth more than Perfwafton ; all things are of God, 2 Cor, 5. 17,rß. God muft give both, and therefore ask them of him. S E R.: