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54 SERMONS upon Serm. Vlll.' SERMON VIII. R O M. VIII. 6. For to be carnally mindedis death: but to be fpiritually minded is life and peace. slaw, H E Apoltle is giving ReaCons, Why the Comforts of jsíification do only belong to the fanitified : He only takes notice of Two. Firft, The difference between the fanûifed and unfan'ifred as to their difpofiti- on. Secondly, The difference that is between them as to the Event and ¡ffue.'There is a contrary difpofition, and a contrary ena and iffue. Firft, How they are affetted, or what they mind. Secondly , What will come of it, according to Gods Oordination and Appointment. r. He reafoneth, from the contrary difpoftion of the unfanhied5 They being after the flefh, do only mind and favour carnal things ; they Cindy to pleafe the flefh, value all things by the interelt of the flefh, therefore are juftly excluded from the priviledgesofthe fpiritual life;for'tis not fit men fhould be happy againft their wills, or be poffefs'd of priviledges they donot care for. God will not caft Pearl before fwine that trample on them, nor beftow there precious comforts where they are not valued ; This Argument you have, v. 5.. They that are after the flefh do mind the things of the flefh, and they that are after the Jpirit the things of the fpirit. Becaufe they mind them not, they have them not. 2. He reafoneth, from the confquent,iffue, and event,by the Ordination and Appoint- ment of God ; Thus in the Text, For to be carnally minded is death. Death belong - eth to the carnally minded, and Life and Peace to the fpiritually minded. In this Scripture there are two Ways, and two ends, both oppofite and contrary to each other. r. The two Ways, The Carnal minding, and the Spiritual minding, ostmua oapxat, Cpt' nµw 11 avíta.1os. 2. The Two Ends, Death and Life and Peace. Doll, That the carnal mind tendeth and bringeth a man to Death, but the fpiritual mind is the way to life and peace. The Text and the Doctrine being a copulate Axiom, mutt be explained by parts. a. To be carnally minded is death. I mull open Two Things, r. The carnal minding. 2: That death which is the fruit and confequeotof it. r. What is this 5pbvnµa eel t5, Which here we tranflate to be carnally minded in the Margent ; the minding of the Heft,and Come Tranflations, the wifdom of the flefh. t. I Anfwer, 'Tis the influence of the flefb upon all the faculties, vnderfianding, Will and Aff liions; as allo upon our pra &ice and converfation, when the W ifdom of the Relit governeth our counCels, choices and allions ; It includeth the ails of the mind ; There are two alls of the mind, Apprehenfon and Cogitation, in both the fleflt bewray- eth its fèlf. 1. As to Apprehenfon, We are acute in dilcerning the Nature, Worth and Value of carnal things, but (cupid and blockifh in things fpiritual and heavenly, Luke 16. 9. The