58 S E R M O NS upon Serm: V111. we (hall not be reckoned to have lived after the Beth, but after the fpirit; we have every day an higher eftimation of God, and Chrift, and Grace weaneth and draweth off the heart from other things, that we may grow more dead to them, and live to God in the Spirit, and more intirely purfue our everlafting hopes. 4. Some things more immediately teed to the pleating of the flefh; as bodily pleafures; and therefore the inclinations to them are called the tufts of the flefh, r John 2. 16. Other things more remotely, as they lay in provifons for that end, as the honours and pro- , fits of the world 5 now tho a man be not voluptuous, he may be guilty of the carnal minding, becaufe he is wholly funk and loft in the world, and is thereby taken off from a care of, and delight in better things. Envyings, Emulations, Strife , and Divifions, make us carnal, r Cor. 3. 3. For ye are yet carnal : whereas there is among you, envyings, flrife, and divifions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? They have little of the .fpirit in them that buttle for greatnefs and efteem in the world, tho they be not wholly given to brutith pleafures ; and thole that will be rich are faid to fall into foolifh and hurtful lufis, which drown the foul in perdition and defiruilion, r Tim. 6. 9. Thefe are taken off from God and Chrift, and the world to come, and therefore the jlefhly minding mutt beapplied to any thing that will make us lets fpiritual and heavenly, Luk. 12. 21. So is he that layeth up treafure for himflf, and is not rich towards God. They feek outward things in good earneft, but fpiritual things in an overly, carelefs or perfun &ory manner. 5. Some pleafè the flefb in a more cleanly manner, others in a more grofs, Gal. 5. 19. Upya sapid; 5attest The works of the flefh are manifefi, adultery, fornication, uncleannefr, lafci- vioufnefs, idolatry, witchcraft. There are the groffer out-breakingsof the flefb 5 now ,,tho we fall not into thefe, yet there is a more fecret, carnal minding, when we have too free a relifh in any outward thing, and let lode the heart to fuch alluring vanities as draw us off from God, and Chrift, and Heaven, and thefe obtlrul the heavenly life, as well as theother ; therefore fti!l all mutt be fubordinated to our great lntereft.; Tome are difingaged from baler lofts, but are full of felt -love and felt.feeking. I proceed .to the Second Thing. 2. What is that death which is the confequent of it ?. Death fignilieth Three Things in Scripture, Death Temporal, Spiritual, and Eternal : The firft confifteth in the Separation , of the Soul from the body : The Second in the Separation of the Soul from God The Third in an Eternal Separation of both body and Soul from God, in a State of endlefs Mifery. n. Death is afeparation of the Soul from the body, with all its antecedent preparations 5 As Difeafes, Pains, Miferies, Dangers, thefe are death begun; in deaths often, 2 Cor. a t. 13. that is, in dangers; that he may take from me this death, Fxod. to. 7. Meaning the Plague of the Locufts ; and death is confummated at our ditfolution, r Cor. 15.55 Now all this is the fruit of fin, and they forfeit their lives that only time them for the Beth; they are unferviceable to God, and therefore why (hould they live in the world 2. Spiritual Death, or an eftrangement from God, as the Author of the Life of Grace; fo we are faid to be dead in trefpaffes and fns, Eph. 2. r. and fo it may hold good here, r Tim. 5.6. She that liveth in pleafure, is dead while the liveth. That is, hath no feeling of the life of Grace. But theEternal Death, which confitteth in an everlafting feparation from the Pretence of Lord, called the fecond death, Rev. 20. 6. On filch the fecond death bath no power; and v. 14. Death and hell were call into the lake of fire, this is the fecond death. This is molt horrible and dreadful, and is the portion of all thole that are flaves to the flelh. Now this is called death, r. Becaufe, In all creatures that have fence, their diffolution is accompaneed with pain. Trees and Vegetables die without pain, and fo doth not Man and Beaft ; and death to men is more bitter, becaufe they are more fenfible of the fweetnefs of life, than beafts are; and have tome forethought of what may follow after ; and becaufe 'cis a mifery from which there is no releafe ; as from the firft death, there is no recovery into the pre - lent life. This fecond death is let forth by two folemn notions. The worm that never cfieth, and the fire that (hall never be quenched, Matth. 9.44. By which is meant thefling -of Confcience, and the Wrath of God ; both thefe make the (inner for ever miferable 5 the fling of confcience, or the fretting remembrance of their pall folly, when they re. fleet upon their madnefs in following the pleafures of fin, and negle&ing the offers of Grace ; and betides this, there are pains infli&ed upon them by the Wrath of God; there is no member or faculty of the foul free, but feeleth the miferyof the fecond death; as