Ver. 7. the 8th Chapter of the ROMANS. 59 as no part is free from fin, fo none (ball be from puni(hment ; in the firadeath the paid may lie in one place, head or heart, but here all over ; the agonies of the firfl death are loon over, but the agonies and pains of the fecond death, induce for ever. The heft death, the more it prevaileth, the more we are pall feeling; but by this feconddeath there is a greater vivacity than ever, the capacity of every fence is inlarged and made more receptive of pain, while we are in the body; vehemens fenfrbile corrumpit fenfum; the more vehemently any thing doth firikeon the Sences, the more doth it deaden the lènfe as the inhabitants about the fall of Nil's are deaf with the continual noire, and too much light puts out the èyes; tall is dulled by cuttom ; here the capacity is improved by feeling the power of God fuflaining the (inner whilfl his wrath torments him; as the Saints are fortified by their Bleffednefs, and can indure that Light and Glory, the leaft glimpfe of which would overwhelm them here; fo thé wicked are capacitated to en-: dure the torments 5 in the firfl death, our praying is for life, we would not die; there our with (hall be for deftru &ion, we would not live. Every man would lofe a Tooth rather than be perpetually tormented with the Tooth -ach; thefe pains never ceafe ; this Death is the fruit of the carnal Life. Secondly, To be fpirituaily minded is Life and Peace : Here all will be eafily and loon difpatched. I. What it is to be fpiritually minded ? I Anfwer, When we know the Things of the. Spirit, fo as to believe them, and believe them fo as to affe& and elleem them; and elleetn and affect them, fo as to feek after them; and fo to feek after them, as to Peek after them in the fir(t place. a. We m'.(1 know them : For the Things of the Spirit mutt be under- flood before they can be chofen and defired, John 4. a0. If thou knewelt the gift. The bruti(h world know not the worth of fpiritual and heavenly things, therefore mind them not. 2. Believe them. None will feek after that which they judg to be a fancy, or of the certainty of which they are not perfwaded, efpecially when they mutt forgo pre - lent delights and contentments to obtain it, fuch isSalvation by Chrilt, 2 Pet. r. 5, ao, 16: And befsdes this, giving all diligence to add to your faith virtue, and to virtue know: ledg : Wherefore the ratber,bretbren, give all diligence to makeyour calling and elellion fare. 3. Affen and efieem them above all other things, Heb. 1 t. 13., Being perfw.eded of there things,they imbraced them : So efieem them,that your defres may not be checlkd and contra.; led by other things. Heb. t T. 26. By faith, Mores, when hewas come to years, refafid to be called the Son of Pharoahs Daughter. 4. To purf'e after them with all diligence, Phil. 2. 10. Working outyour falvation with fear and trembling ; and John 6. 27. Labour not for the meat that perifhetb, but that which endureth to everlafling life. 5. Seek them in the firfi place, that you may not only make it your bufinefs, but the chiefell bufinefs ofyout lives to obtain thefe Things, Mat. 6. 33. Firfl féekthe kingdom of God: This is to let your faces heavenward, when you make it your great bufinefs to pleafe:God; and'fave your fouls. 2. This is Life and Peace : By Life and Peace is meant Eternal Bleffednefs; he addetti to the Word Life, the Term Peace, becaufe in Eternal Life there is freedom from all evil, and the prefence of all good; for there can be no true folid peace, where there is the fear of any evil, or a want of any good ; but here being neither, the Soul is fully at peace and relt: therefore'tis laid that God will give glbry,honour,and peace to every one that doth good, ß,òm. 2. 1o. Heaven is the new 9erufalem, the City of Peace, where we converfe with God, who is a God of Peace, and enjoy full peace and refit from all our Moleftations ; but tho it be meant of Heaven, yet peace of Confcience is not excluded; partly, becaufe'tis the beginning and earneft of it, that peace which we now have in the Kingdom of the Meah by our Reconciliation with God;Rom. 5.1. Being juflifred by faith, we have peace with God ; and the teflimony of a good confcience, 2 Cor. I. 20. This is a continual feafi. Now the fruit of righteoufnefs is peace. Peace in Heaven, and peace on earth, Luke 2. 14. and Luke 19.38. Rleffed be the /sing that cometh in the name of the Lord. Peace in Heaven, and Glory in the highefl. 'Tis begun here, and perfe&ed there: And partly,becaufe whatever the Spirit worketh, tendeth to pur Peace and Bleffednets, not only hereafter, but now, Rom. 15. 13. Now the God of hope flit you with all joy and peace in believing. The Reafons are in commons i. With refpeíl to Gods Pace. God who is the molt Righteous Governoar of the world, will make a jolt difference between the s t he Righteous and the wicked, by reward and