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V er. 7. _ the 8th Chapter of the ROMANS. 67 carnal nature, as all excels of bodily pleafures, inordinate feeking after the and honours of the World 5 commandeth many things tedious to Beth and blood, as the lo- ving God with all our hearts, ferving . him with all our might and trength,. loving Ene- mies, doing good to all, feeking others welfare as our own. Secondly, Betides its repug- noney, there is an utter incapacity. But may it not be brought to obedience by the Lamde- manding its right arid doe in the Name of God? t. Not by _a bare prohibition, for that exafperateth the evil, Rom. 7. g. For when we were in the fiefs, the motions of fins which were by the law, did work in my members to bring forth fruit unto death. 2. Not by perfvafions or in/irutáions; for fpiritual arguments work little with a carnal heart 5 per - fwafion alone prevaileth not againft inclination, 1 Cor. 2.14. For the natural man recei- veth not the things of the fpirit of God. 3. Nor will Refolutions, Vows, and Covenants, make us lubjeíl, for thefe are but the Dietates of Confcience, till the Will be renewed. 'Tis our Judgment we fhould, but the bent of our 'hearts lieth as a weight againft it, Rom. 2. 18. Thou approvefl the things that are excellent, being infirulled out of the law. T) S E is Information. Since theunregenerate are altogether Flefb, and the regenerate in part Beth ; the one can do nothing good, the other nothing perfeht. a. It giveth us a true account of mans natural incapacity to what is good. Firft, there is a natnral propenfity or iodination to the body before the foul, and Earth before Heaven, the creature before God, John 3. 6. That which is born of flefh is fleffs. 2. This is increafed in us by being accufomed to a finful life, Jer. t3. 13. Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the Leopard his fpots? then may ye alfa do good that are ac- inflamed to do evil. g. This cuBom is more confirmed and rooted by the general prailice of all about us, ifa. 6. 5. Wo is me, for I am undone, becaufe I am a man of unclean lips, and dwell in the midfl of a people of unclean lips. 4. 'Tai not only prallifed, but countenanced generally in the world, 1 Pet. 4.4. Where- in they think it orange, that you run not with them into the fame excefs of riot. g. The incouragements of another courfe , lye wholly in a World to come, Matth. g. 12. Rejoyce and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven. 6. The Precepts to renounce this fenfuality, are given by an Invijible God: Who tho he hath given fufficient demonftration of the truth of his being, is little cared for, Pfal. to. 4. The wicked through the pride of his countenance will notPeek after God : God is not in all his thoughts. 8 I 2 SER-