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68 SERMONS upon Serm. X. SERMON X. R O M. VIII. O. So then, they that are in the Alb cannot pleafe God. H I S Verfe is Confebiary from the whole Difcourfe,efpecially from the former Verfe; They who are in the flefh, are profell'ed Enemies to God, and therefore they cannot pleafe him. In the Words here are two Things. t. The Perfons fpoken of. 2. What is faid of them. r. The Perfonsfpoken of ; They that are in the flefh, that is, who are unregenerhteq in the (late of corrupt Nature ; he faith not, if the flefh be in you, ye cannot pleafe God, but if you be in the flefh, that is in a carnal (late. Asto be in the faith, 2 Cor. 13. 5. im. plieth being in a Gofpeb(fate ; and to be in Chriff, Rom. 8. a. noteth a (late of true Chriltianity ; fo to be in the flefh is to be under the dominion and power of the flefh, fo as to ferve the lulls and pafíions thereof; during this carnal and corrupt elate, till men are converted and changed, they cannot pleafe God. 2. What is faid of them ? They cannot pleafe God ; Which may be interpretedtwo Ways, quoad conatum, vel quoad eventum; Grit, with refpeft to their endeavour, they will not frame their doings, nor make this their bulnefs and fcope to pleafe the Lord, as 'tis laid of the Jews that rigoroully kept up the ritual Obfervances of the law, 1 Thef. 2. t 5. They pleafe not God, and are contrary to all men. They were as far from fulfilling the true meaning of the law, as they were from obferving the Gofpel ;and all men as long as their tufts are untamed and unbroken, they cannot do thofe things which are pleating in his fight. Secondly, With refpeet to Gods acceptance and favour, they are not accepted with him fo as to obtain Life and Peace, and be exempted from Condemna- tion. Dolt. Carnal men do not, cannot pleafe God. To prove this I (hall lay down Come Propofitions. 1. That it is mans duty and happine fr to pleafe God. For this end was he made and fent into the world, not that he might live to himfelf, but unto God ; I prove it by this Argument,'Tis mans happinefs to pleafe him upon whom he dependeth; all the world goeth upon thisPrinciple,that dependance begetteth obfervance,or a ftudy to pleafe; and as the dependance is lefs or greater, fo men take themfelves bound more or lefs to plea( thole upon whom they receive their fupplies, as Children their Parents, Servants their Mailers; and if any breach and difpleafure fall out, their dependance obligeth them to fee it made up again. We have an Inu ance in Scripture , A&. 12. 24. Herod was Füghly difpleafed with them of Tyre andSydon, but they came with one accord to him, and defired peace, becaufe their country was nourifhed by the Kings country. What their Inte- rc(l taught them to do to man, our Intereft teacheth us to do to God ; we depend upon none fo much as God, from whom we have both our being and well-being. In his hand is our brcath,and all our ways, Dan. 5. 23: Our bufinels lieth more with God, than with all the world betides, and therefore him (hould we love and burly to pleafe. 2. That