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Ver; 8. the 8th Chapter of the ROMAN S. 69 2. That this being mans duty and happinefs, it fhould be our work and fcope to appróve our felves to God ; for man is never in his proper poflure, till he mindeth his true work and happinefs, but is either out in the End or Way ; his End, if pleating God and being acceptedwith him be not his Scope; the way, if he doth not thole things which God will accept; therefore Gods children are fometimes delcribed by their Intention, which is of the end, intentio efi finis ultimi ; fometimes by their choice, which is of the means , eleaio eft medii ; by their fcope and intention, 2 Cor. 5. 9. Therefore we labour, that whether prefect or abfint, we may be accepted with him, merit t,os a. This is the ho- nour we affel , the end which we propound to our felves, and which our minds are principally let upon; fome feek to pleafe God, others to pleafe their flefhty mind by the fruition of fome inferior good; that's our end which we love moll, and are pleated belt with, and would do molt for; fo the people of God are fometimes defcribed by the choice 'of their mays, Ifa. 56.4. They chyle the things that pleafe him, and take hold of his cove- nant ; that is, refolve to do what is pleáfing to God, or to behave themfelves in fuch a manner as they may be accepted with him. 3. That it is no eafie matter to make this our fope and work to pleafe God : This I fhall prove by two Reafons. z. Becaufe of the thing it felf. 2. Becaufe of the requiftes thereunto, which are, that a man be renewed and reconci. led, 6--c. s. The matter of its felf. God is a great and holy God, and will not be put off with any thing, but expe&eth Worfhip and Service from us becoming his Majefly ; and left we Ihould miftake, hath flated our duty in his holy law, which we are to Rudy and full; we are to fludy it, and know howGod will be pleated, Rom, 12. 2. That we mayprove what is that good and acceptable and perfelä will of God. 'Tis a good and petted rule that we mull live by,forthis is only Ivxrncw acceptable or wellpleafng unto God ; fo Eph. g. rò. Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. We mutt not ferve God hand over head, but prove and try our way, and every fiep of it, whether it be well pleating unto him; and confult often, not what is our interef, but our duty ;not what is for our advantage, and will gratifie our lulls and pleafe the world, but what will pleafe God ; and again, v. 17. Be not unwife, but underflanding what the willof the Lord is. We may miftake, and therefore we muff fearch again and again, crafa negligentia doles eft. 'Tis a fign men have no mind to praltife, when they have no mind to know, or be informed. And we are to full our duty as well as tounderfland it, and that not in a few things, but all, Col. 1. 19. That je walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleaftng. Some men are in with one duty, and out with another ; but this is to pleafe our Wives, not to pleafe God. Some will reft in rituals, and negleft morals, tho the moral duty path the atteftation not only of the Word of God, but of Confcience, Rom. 14. 1.7, 18. for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteoufnefs and peace, and joy in the Holy-Gboft : for he that in theft things ferveth Chrifi, is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Many will refl. in ors dinances, and Church Priviledges, this will not fatisfie God, 2 Cor. to. 5. With many of them, God was not well.pleafed. Some reti in moralities, and call off faith, and the lave of God: Others pleafe themfelves in an overly Religion, without moral duties. Nor mull this be minded fuperftcially; no, we mull be every day more our walking, that no caufe of offence, or breach may arife between us and him, 1 Thef..4; n. Ao ye have recived of us, how to walk, and how to pleafe God, fa you would abound there- in more and more. You never pleafe God fo much , but you are to pleafe him better, he expelteth more from you, the more you are acquainted with him; and that we fhould not always keep to our firft weakneffes. 2. Confider what is requifite thereunto, viz. That a man be in a reconciled and re- renewed eflate. r. Reconciled to God by Cbrifl. All mankind is fallen under the difpleafure of the molt High God, by preferring the pleafure of the flefh before the pleating of God; and there's no atonement found to pacifie him, but only :efus Chrife, who is his beloved Son, in whom he is well pleafed, Matt. 3. 17. Upon his account grace may be had , both to juflifie and Jana ¡fie us. Now while men are in Rebellion againft God, they have no in- tereft in Chrift, or the grace purchaled for them, but are under death and damnation,and therefore cannot be accepted with God, fo far Is to obtain the great reward, yea, to do nothing acceptably to him, till we believe and are in Chrift Jefus, and have his Me- rits