72 S E R .M O NS upmt Serm: X. not the fervant of Chri/l. There is a twofold man - pleating, which is finful ; axone re- fpeets the matter, the other thefcope : Eirft the matter, When we Peek to pleafe them by fomething that is finful, or by difpenfing with our duty to God; to do this voluntarily and deliberately, is to forfake our vowed duty in the Covenant, and to renounce our happinefs, and therefore a damnable fin 5 we forfake ourduty, when man muti be plea - fed by Tome known fin ; no, our abfolute dependance is on God, and 'therefore his will mutt be regarded in the fir place, Aiïs 5. 29. We ought to obey God, rather than man ; and therefore no man mull be pleafed by fin,'ris a renouncing of our happinefs, as if their favour were to be preferred before the favour of God, John 12. 42. Neverthe- lefs among the chief rulers a fo, many believed on him : but becaufe of the Pharifies, they did not confefi him, left they fhould be put out of the fynagogue i and ch. 5. 44. how can you believethatfeek honourone of another? No, God is enough to a gracious foul, Pfal. 63. 3. Becaufe thy loving kindnefsis better than life, my lips (hall praife thee. His approbation lhould fatisfie us; the people of God have felt what it is to have difpleafed God, and what it is to be reconciled to him by the death and lnterceon of Chrifl, that to them it is a (mall matter whether man be pleafed or difpleafed 5 if God be pleafed, 'tis no matter who is difpleafed. 2. As to their fcope ; When the matter is pleating both to God and men, but you re- gard mans eye molt, Eph. 6. 6. Not with eye - fervice as menpleafers ; but as the fervant of God, doing thewill of God from the heart: and Col. 3. 22. Not with eye-fervice as men - pleafers,but withfinglenefs of heart fearing God. As your happinefs lieth not in mans approbation, fo this is the only confant motive of pure and frncere Obedience. 2. Pofilively : Pleating God is your great duty and bufinefs in the world ; this is uprightnefs, and thiswill be your fafety and happinefs; for if you Rudy to pleafe God, then God is ever with you ; Chrift !hath given you an initance of "that, John 8.29. And he that fens me is with me, the father path not left me alone : for I do always thofe thing, that pleafe him. And then 'tis no matter who is difpleafed and angry with us, Prov. 16. 7.When a mans ways pleafe the Lord, he maketh his enemies to be at peace with him. God will hear your Prayers, 1 John 3.22. And whatfoever we ask, we receive of kin:, becaufe we keep his commandments : He will give you everlafling happinefs and glory, Heb. ¢. 5. and truly he is not hard to be pleafed, Mal. 3.17. Man - pleating is a more difficult and unprofitable task; God is pleafed with nothing that hurts your felves or others. 3. Let me exhort you, to beg more of the fpirit: for whilft we are in the flefh, we can- not pleafe God ; and therefore you muff beg more plentiful Grace to change your na- tures, and to fix your intention right, that you may pleafe God in all things ; your na. tures are never changed till your love be altered, nor till God dire& your love, 2 Thef. 3. 5. And the Lord direllyour hearts to the love of God. SER=