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Ver. 9. the 8th Chapter of the ROMAN 73 SERMON XI. R O M. VIII. 9. Butye are not in the flefb, but in the fpirit g if fo be the Spirit of God dwell in you N there words the Apofile applieth the property of the jul}ified, unto the Romans. In this Application yoti may obferve both his Charity and his Prudence. 1. His Charity, but you are not in the flefh, but in the rpirit. 2. His Prudence, if fo be the ,Spirit of God dwell in you. e. For that caufe which expreffeth his Charity : The Phrafes of being in the flefh, or in the fpirit, are the fame with being after the fofo, and after the fpirit ; v. 5. or Walking, or living after the flefh, or after the fpirit, ufed in other Vertes of this Chapter. 2. In the other Claufe which expreffeth his Prudence g The word is either caufal or conditional, and fignifieth either for fo much, or if fo beg our Tranflation preferreth the latter rendring; and the fence is, if it were not fo, I would not judg you to belong to Chrill. As to the latter, obferve two Things. 1. To be in the fpirit, or to have the fpirit dwelling in us, is the fame, for the inhabitation is mutual g we are in the fpirit, and the fpirit in us. 2. That the Spirit of God, and of Chrifl,are all one, witnefs the proof here fubjoined, for he that hath not the fp frit of Chrifl, i r none of his. Do &. That they in whom the Spirit of God dwelleth, tho they live in the flefh, they do not live after the flefh. r. The Terms mutt be explained. a. The Conneidion proved. r. The Terms mull be explained; two Terms there are. 1. What is the indwelling of the Spirit. 2. What it is to live in theflefh. s. What the fpirits dwelling in us meaneth. Three Things are implied, Intimacy, Con- Jiang , Soveraingty; Intimacy with us, Conitancy of Operation in us, and Soveraing- ty over us. 1. Intimacy, or familiar pretence; as the Inhabitant in his own houfe, he is more there than elfewhere : God is every where effentially ; his offence and being is no where inclu- ded, and no where excluded, Pfal. 139. 7. Whither fhalll go from thy Spirit ? or whither fhall l flee from thy pretence ? He is faid more efpecially to be there where he molt mani- fefls his power and pretence : So his dwelling is known by his Operation, he is in us vir- tute infgnis alicujus cleat's, by tome notable and eminent effe& which he produceth in us ; as to the effe &s of common Providence, 'Lis laid, Eph. 4. 6. That God is above all, and through all,and in all. But he dwelleth in Believers, not by the effe &s of common providence, but by the fpecial influeuce of his grace ; as Chrifts Agent begetting and maintainii.g a new fpiritual life in their fouls ; fo he is in them as he is no where elfe, by his gracious Operations performed there, A&s 26. 18. Opening their hearts, A &s 16. 14. Corafnting and guiding them upon all occafions; this is his gracious and familiar pre- tence, which the world is not capableof, John 14.17. I will fend unto you the fpirit of trntb,whom the world cannot receive,becanie it feeeth him not, neither lnoweth bins : but ye 8 K know