74 SERMONS upon Semi. XI. know him, for he dwelleth with you, and (hall be in you. The world of natural men are great Grangers to the Spirit of Chrift, they were never acquainted with his gracious and CavingOperarions,but he intimately difcovereth bispretence tó toofe that enjoy him in the exercife of Grace; they feel and difcern his motions, and have that comfort and peace which others are Grangers to. This then is the intimate and familiar prefenec of the fpirit in the hearts of believers. Some have raifed Qtieftions, Whether tie Perfon of the Holy Ghofi be in believers, or only his gifts and Grater. The Perfon qucí ionlefs. We have not only the Fruit but the Tree, the Stream but the Fountain; but he doth not dwell in us perfonally ; The Spirit was in Chrift aita errx %s bodily or perfonally, for his foul dwelt with God in a perfonal Union ; in all creatures he is iren,rnas by the common effeás of his power and Providence ; but in Believers +vsuµo7tsar fpiritually by gracious effeás, which is all the conception we can have of it. 27Çonflapcy. Dsvellingnoteth his retidenee, of a permanent and confiant abode ; he doth not aû upon them, or affeá them by a tranfientmotion only, or come upon them as he came upon Sampfon , at times , or as he came upon the Phrophets or holy men of God, when in fome particular fervices they were fpecially infpired and ,carried beyond the line of their ordinary abilities; but he dwelleth in us by working fuch effeás as carry the nature of a permanent habit ; on the carnal he workerh permodum allions tranfeuntis, but on the fangifed there are effeás wrought, not tranfient but per- manent, per modem habit's' permanentis, as Faith, Love and Hope. There is difference between his a5ling upon us, and dwelling in us; the holy Spirit cometh to us not as a gueft but as an Inhabitant; not for a vifit and away, but to take up his abode in us. There- fore when the fpirit is pronged, Chrill faith, He will give us a well of water always fpring ins unto eternal life, Johti 4. 14: Not a draught nor a plath of water, nor a pond, but a living fpring ;10 John 14.23. We will come to him, and make our abode with him. He liveth in the heart,that by confiant and continual influence, he may maintain the life of grace iu us, Gal. 5.25. by degrees he deadneth and mortifieth our deareft and arong. eO fin, Rom. 8. 13. And continually flirreth us up to the love and obedience of God in ChriO, u Pet. r. 22. Exciteth us to prayer, and quickneneth our fpiritual delires, Rom. 8. 26. Giveth¿ us confolation in croffes, 1 Pet. 4. 14. Counfel in all our ways, Rom. 8. 14. And fers us a longing for Heaven, Rom. 8.23: In fhors, the fpirit is faid to dwell there where his ordinary and confiant work is,and where he doth by his conftant and continual influence, form, and frame mens beasts and lives to holinefs. 3. Soveraingty. This is implied alfo in the notion of dwelling ; take the Metaphor either from a common houfe,or froma Temple; from an houle where the fpirit dwelleth; he dwelleth there as the owner of an houle, not as an underling : The Apofle inferreth from the fpirits dwelling in us, that d.'e are not our own, 1 Cor. 6. 19. We were poffef- fed by another owner before we were recovered into his hands; our hearts are Satans (hop aad workhoufe ;the evil fpirit faith,Matth.12.44,45I will return to mine own houle. But he is difpofeffed by the fpirit, and then it becomes his houle, where he commandeth and doth difpofe and govern our heartsafter his own will ; but it more clearly floweth from the other notion of a facred houfe or Temple, r Cor. 3. 16. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? and 1 Cor. 6. 19. What ? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy.Ghofl which is in your? A Temple is a facred houfe, and muff be imployed for the honour of theGod whofe Temple it is. The heart of Man naturally is a Temple full of Idols, every dungbil-God is worfhipped there; Mammon, the Belly, Satan ; but when this Temple is cleanfed, and becometh a manfion for the holy Spirit, he mua be chief there, and all things mull be done to his honour, that he may be obeyed, reverenced and worfhipped in his own Temple. Thus much we get from either notion;of a common haufe,that the Spirit isOwneror Lord of that hook; or from a facredhoufe or Temple, that he is theGod of that Temple; and fo where ever he dwelleth he is chief, and principally beareth fway in the heart ;whatever oppo- feth or controuleth his Motions, 'tis as an intruder in á common houfe, or as an Idol let up in a Temple. 2. What it is to be, or live in the flefh. It noteth two things, The natural life, or the carnal life. t. The natural life, as Gal. 2. 20. The life that I now live in the flefh, I live by the faith of the Son of God : that is, while I exercife the funáions and aáions of this natu- ral life. Phil. r. 22. Bat if ¡live in the flefb, this is the fruit of my labour.: That is, if I fti 1 enjoy this natural life : for the Apoftle was in a (trait which to delire, to be in the llefh, or out of the flefh. 2. The