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76 S E R M 0 N S upon Serm. X1. femblance with the life of Chrift as Mediator : Now Chrift in that he liveth, he liveth on- to God,Rom. 6. to. fo doth a Chriftian, his whole life is a jiving unto God : Gal. 2. 19, The life that I live in the fief», I live by the faith of the Son of God. 2. Whenxhe heart is thus prepared, tPe Spirit of God cometh to dwell in them, to take poffeffron of them for Gods ulè: "z Cor. 6. io. I will dwell in them, and walk in them for I will be their God, and they (hall be my people. They have given up themfelves to God, and God owneth thededication, and fendeth his Spirit into their hearts, fiat, to take poffeftion of them, and then to maintain and keep a foot his intereft in their fouls againft all the affaultsof the Devil : for flronger is he that is in us, than he that is in the morid, i 7oh.4.4. The World is governed by the evil fpirit, but they that are regenera- ted and enlightned by the Spirit "of God, have the knowledg of his Will, which is more mighty to eltablifh the Saints in truth and holinefs, than the fpirit of Error and Perfecu- tion to draw and drivethem from it. So' againft the World, 2 Cor. 2. 12. We have not received the fpirit of the World, but the fpirit of God, that we might know the things that are freely given us of God. He fheweth us better things, and fo caufeth us to believe them, and to live above all the glory, riches, and pleafures of the World. For the flefh, as he bath fet up a contrary oppofite principle againft it, fo his confiant working in the heart is to maintain it in predominancy, bringing us moreand more to abhor all licentiouf. nets and fenfuality, and Warning us of our fnares and dangers that we may not make provifion for the fle(h, to fulfil the tufts thereof. Indeed this doth not exclude our du- ty 5 we are to be led by the Spirit, or elfe we are not what we do pretend to be. We are not to grieve the Spirit, or elfe we carry it unthankfully towards him, and refift and forfeit his grace; nor do we fulfil our. Covenant -wow made with the Holy Ghoft , if we difobey his fan&ifying Motions 5 but 'tis a great advantage, that we have not only an oppofite principle, but an oppofite power, which is an enemy to the flefh, and is fill contending againft it in our hearts. I. 29 S E is Information. a. How much this is for the glory of God, that he can maintaingrace in the hearts of his people, that whi they live in the flefh, they do not live after the flefh. Take living in the flefh in the foftef fettle, for the natural life, 'ris a fate of great frailty and meaknefs: the natural life only feeketh what is good for its felf 5 Chrifians have the fame bodies, and the fame affe&ions that other men have, yet they live quite after another manner ;" the natural inclination is over - ruled; while they are in the flefh, they are humbled with ma- ny Wants, Afiliçtions and Weakneflfs, but Gods Power is made perfe& in our weak - nefs, a Cor. 12. 9. The work made perfeff is notable 5 excellent things fuffer a kind of imperfe&ion till there be an occafion to difcover them : Now our many infirmities give an occafion to fbew forth the perfellion that is in the power of Grace, which can main- tain us in life and comfort, notwithfanding Reproaches, Pain, Sufferings. Were it not for the animal life, there would be no place for Temptations, and the excrcife of Grace; but all that are in the flaffi have all thefe things accomplilhed in them, n Pet. 5.19. During our worldly fate, we muft expe& hardlhips 5 there goeth more grace to preferve a man in his duty, than goeth to preferve the good Angels in their elate 5 they are out of Gunflint and harms way. To glorifie God upon earth,isthe greater difficulty, John 17.4, q. I have gloriflid thee on earth: And now, 0 Father, glorifie thou nre with thine own felf, with the glory I had with thee before the world was. Chrift pleadeth that now for the Saints, in the midi of fo many affliliions 5 to maintain their integrity and delight in God is the great glory of Grace; for furely we fand not by our own ftrength. But betides, -the natural life which expofeth us to thefedifficulties, the carnal life is not wholly extinguifhed; there is flefh in us, tho we be not in the flefr, Gal. g. 17. For the JlefI lafieth againfl the fpirit, and the fpirit againfi thefief», and, theft are contrary the one to the other. Now not only to maintain the combate,but to obtàin Conqueft andVi&ory, is the great wonder of Grace, when there are not only Temptations without, but mixt principles within; Cutely not only in this frail, but this mixt efate,'tis as great a wonder to maintain. Grace in the foul, as to maintain a (park of fire in wet Wood. The world bath ufually an advantage of us in matter of principle, but we have the advantage of them in matter of motive and affifing'power, to whom the glory of the conquef alone is to be aicribed : We have indeed a principle which dire&eth and indineth ui to higher ends than the children of this world look after; but their principles are more in- tire and unbroken, for they are altogether flefh, Gen. 6. g. And God far that the wick. cdnefs of man was great upon earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was