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Ver. 9. the 8th Chapter of the ROM ANS. 1. -What it h to have the fpirit. a. Why this is. the Evidence that we are trueChrifians. For thefirft Qieftion take thefe Explanations. r. By the fpirit of Chrift, is not meant any createdhabit and gift, For the new na- ture is lometimes called the Spirit, John 3. 6. But the third perfòn in the Trinity, called the Holy Ghoft, is here meant ; For he is fpoken of as a perfon that dwelleth in Believers, in-the former part of the verte and dwelleth in them as in his Temple, as one that leadeth,. guideth, and fanáifieth them, yea as one that will at length quicken their/Mortal bodies, v. rr. Which no created habit and ;Lualitycan do. Yea, he is called the fpirit of God, and the fpirit of Chrift. If fo be the fpirit of God dwell in you. And in the words of the Text, if any man have not the fpirit of Chrift; Becaufe he proceedeth from the Father, and the Son, John 15. When the comfort- er is come whom I will find to you from the Father, even the fpirit of truth, which pro - ceedeth from the Father. This is the fpirit which is fpoken of in this place. 2. This fpirit is had, or faid to be in us. We have not only the Fruit, but the Tree. Bushow have we him? We have a right to his perfon, he is given to us in the Covenant of Grace as our fanáifyer; as God is ours by Covenant, fo is the fpirit ours, as well as the Father, and the Son; and he is prefent in our hearts, as the immediate Agent of Chrift, and worker of all grace. 'Tis true, in refpeá of his effence, and tome kind of operation, he is prefent in all Creatures, Pfal. 139. 7. Whither flsall I go from thy fpirit ? Whither hall !fly from thy pretence? God filleth all things with his fpirit and pretence. And therefore when force are laid to have him, and others not to have him ; 'tis underftood of his peculiar pretence, with refpeá to thofe Eminent operations and effeás which he produceth in the hearts of the faith- ful, and no where elfe ; For he is fuch an Agent no where, as he is in their hearts. Therefore they are called Temples of the Holy Ghoft a Cor. 3. 16. and t Car. 6. 19. Becaufe he buildeth them up for an Holy ufe , and alto dwelleth and refideth there, maintaining Gods Intereft in their Souls. ¡ 3. Thefe Eminent Operations of the Holy Ghoft are either in a way of common gifts, or fpecial graces ; as to common gifts, Reprobates and Hypocrites may be faid to be partakers of the Holy Gho(t, Heb. 6. 4. Bataan: had the gift of Prophete , and Judas the gift of Miracles, as well as the reti of the Apoftles; fo Cor. 12. The Apoftle difcour(èth at large of the Gifts of the Spirit, and concludeth ; but I fliew you a more excellent way, verle 31. And then taketh it up again, t Cor. 13. r, 2: Though I fpeakwith the tongue of men and angels, and have not charity ; I am become as a found. ing braff, or a tinkling cymbal ; and though I have the gift of prophecy, and underhand all myfteries, and all Knowledge ; and though I have all Faith , fo that I could remove Mountains, and have no Charity , I am nothing Ott 41. There are dona ininifirantia, gifts for the Service of the Church; fuch as profound knowledge utterance in Preach- ing, or Praying, or any other .Minifleral ads ; and Dona San(Jiftcantia, filch as Faith Hope, and Love ; the former may render us ufeful to the Church, but not accept- able to the Lord. The fuperficial Chriftianity is rewarded with ,coáimon gifts, but the real Chriftianity with Special Graces; all that profefs the Faith, are vifiblÿ adopted by God into his Family, and under a vifible Adminiftration of the Covenant of Grace ;. fo far as they are Adopted into Gods Family, fo far they are made partakers of the Spirit. Chrift giveth to common Chrittians thofe common gifts of the Spirit which he giveth not to the heathen world ; as knowledg of the myfteries of Godline(s, abilities of utterance and fpeech about Heavenly things ; tome affeáion alto to Spiritual and Heavenly things, called a tailing of the good Word; the Heavenly gift, and the powers of, the world to come ; their will not prove .us true Chciftians, or really in Gods fpecial favour, but only vifible, profeffed Chriftians. 4. The fpirit, as to Santhfying and faving eféas,'may be confidered as fpirrtus afìflens, ant in formano, either as moving, warning, or exciting, by traufient motions; fo the wicked may be wrought upon by him ; as to be convinced, warned, excited; how elfe can they be faid to ref l the Holy ghofi ? Aás 7. 51. and the Lord telleth the Old World, Gen. 6. 3. That his fpirit fhould not always (rive with them. Surely betides the Counfels and Exhortations of the Word, theSpirit doth rebuke', warn and excite them, and moveth, and flirted), and ftriveth in the Hearts of all carnal creatures, or elfe thefeexpreflìons could not be uled. 8 L 5. There 1