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82 SERMONS upon Serm. XII. 5. T here are filch effects of his fant:ifying grace, as are wrought in us , per mòdafm ha. blues, permanentis, to renew and change us, fo as a man from carnal, doth become fpi- ritual ; the Spirit of God doth fo dwell in us, as to frame heart and life unto holinefs; this work is fometimes called the new Creature, 2 Cor. 5. 17. And fometimes the di- vine nature, 2 Pet. I. 4. It differeth from gifts, becaufe they are for outward fervice; but this conduceth to change the heart : it differeth from actual motions and infpirations, becaufe they may vanith and die away without any Caving impreflion left upon the heart : it differeth from chofe fighter difpofitions to Godlinefs, which are many times in temporaries ; becaufe they are but a light tincture, foon worn off, and have no power and matlery over fenfual affe &ions g if they refirain them a little, they do not mortifie, and fubdue them. Good motions are as a dalh of Rain; and thofe weak inclinations, and,good difpoftions, which are in temporaries, are as a Pond, or Pool, which may be dryed up; but this laving and fan&ifying work, is as a Spring, John 4. 54. Two things are conflderable in ir. 1. Its Continuance, and Radication. 2. It's Efficacy and Predominancy. I. The radication is let forth by the notions of the Spirits dwelling in us, John 14. 17. He [hall be in you, and dwell in you. Its 'Tiling upon us, i Pet. 4. 14. The Spirit of God, and of Glory, ',eft upon you. He taketh up his abode with us, John 14. 23. We will come to him, and make our abode with him. 'Tis not a vifit, and away; or a lodg- ing for a night; but a confiant refidence, he taketh up his Manfion in our hearts: Some have fits and qualms of Religion, motions of conviftion and joy, but not a fettled bent of Heart towards God and Heaven. 2. Its prevalency and predominancy; for where the Spirit dwelleth, there he muff: rule, and hath the command of the houfe; he dwelleth in the Soul, he dwelleth fo as to govern, direlbng and inclining us fo, as to do things pleating unto God, weaning us from the World, I Cor. 2. 12. This is called the receiving, not the Spirit of the World, but that which is of God. Mattering and taming the Fleth, both its guff and favour, Rom. 8. 5. for they that are after the flefh do mind the things of the flefh. Its deeds and motions, Rom. 8. 13. If ye mortifie the deeds of the body, ye [hail live. The Flefh will rebel, but the Spirit gets the upper -hand ; for the Dominion and fovereignty of the Fleth, is not confident with the having of the Spirit ; the Fleth is fubdued more and more; where the Spirit cometh, he cometh to govern, to fuit the heart to the will of God ; and to give us greater liberty towards him, 2 Cor. 3. 17. Where the fpirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. The objeéls offenfe which feed the Beth, make Iéfs Impretlion upon us ; and the love of fin, is more and more conquered. Now take it thus explained , you may know what it is to have the Spirit ; namely, the dwelling and working of the Spirit in our Souls, mortifying the tleth, and caufing us to live unto God. thing2. Why is this an evidence that we are true Chri}lians ? here I 'sail prove two s. i. That all true Chriflians have this fantlifying Spirit. 2. That'tis the certain evidence and proof of their being Chriflians, or having an in- terefi in Chriff. i. That all that are true Chrifiians have it. I prove it, 1. From the promife of God, who hath promifed it to them; and furely his love and faithfulnefs will fee it made good, Zech. 12. 10. 1 will pour upon them the fpirit of grace andfupplications; and Prov. I. 23. Tarn unto me, and I will pour out an abundance of fpirit unto you; and Rev. 22. 17. Whofoever will, let him drink of the water of lifefreely. By the water of life is meant the fpirit, as appeareth, John 7. 38, 39. So in many other places. Now furely, Gods word will not fall to the ground, but mull be accomplilhed. 2. From the merit of Chrift. Two Things Chrifi purchafed and bellowed upon all his people, his righteoufnefs, and his fpirit, 2 Cor. 5. 21. He was made fin for us, that we might be made the righteoufnefs of God in him. Gal. 3. 14, That we might receive the promife of the fpirit through faith; the Rock was fmitten by the rod of Mofes twice, r Cor. Io. 4. And thefe two gifts are infeparable; where he giveth the one, he giveth the other : We have both, or none, I Cor. 6. r 1. But ye are juffifted in the name of our Lord Jeffs, and by the fpirit of our God. And Tit. 3. 5, 6, 7. But according to his mercy he faved alb) the walking of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghoft, which be