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Ver. 13. xxvth Chapter of St. MATTHEW. 79 (r.) Our not watching for the Coming of the Lord. Some can live merrily and quietly in a carelefs unprepared, eftate ; but do thefe men confider what it is tò meet with their Redeemer, before they have . gotten any benefit by his Blood ? VVe cannot draw nigh to him with any Comfdrt, till we feel the Benefit of his Death, Heb. to. 22. His bufinefs is to prefent his People faultlefs to God, Jude 24. Thefe men do not confider what 'tis to meet with the Judge, r Pet. 4. ç. There is no Plea but Innocency and Pardon in Chrift, Rom. 8. 1. 1 yob. 3. 8. Thefe do not confider how they [hall look Chrift in the face, when fo unlike him, s yob. 3. 1, 2. and r fob. 4. r7. Thefe tit) not confider what it is to meet the Bridegroom when their filthy Garments are yet on. (2.) Bewail the neglell of Watching againfl prefent evils, with care and Cireum- fpe&ion. What is the matter ? is Sathan lefs bufie to tempt, or is the Hirt of Man and humane Nature grown better, and Sin lets dangerous ? Is our weak - nefs and inability fo far ftrengthened and cured, that we are out of danger of falling? Were the Servants of God fuch weaklings, that prayed, as David, Pfal. 39. r. Put a watch upon the door of my lips and job, that made a Covenant with his eyes? yob 31. a. But rather are not we more fool. hardy, and negligent, do not mind our bufinefs, and confider not the inconveniency of not watching. 2 V SE, To prefs us to this Duty, there is a God that watcheth, and Enemies that watch, and Confcience watcheth, and will do its Office fief or loft ; a Day of Judgment, when you are to anfwer for all that you have done ; and will not you watch ? When you confider how much you are in danger of Sin, and in dan- ger by Sin, can you be negligent and fecure ? Oh watch your Hearts, Prov. 4.23. watch your Tongue, Pfal. 39. 1. watch your Senfes, Yob p. 1. gratifie them and you wound your Hearts : Watch your wayes, Prov. 4. 24. But above all watch your State; let us examine well our Cafe, that we may be found in Chrift, and have the Seal of his Spirit, Eph. 1. 13. that is your warrant. For Means to help us in this Duty of Watchfulnefs : 1. Sobriety, or Moderation in the ufe of all outward things : 1 Theft. 5. 6. There- fore let us not fleep, as do others, but watch and be fober, a Pet. a. 13. Chap. 4.7. 2. Go to God in Prayer. Watching and Prayer are often joyned together. We are belt kept, when recommended into Gods hand. Pfal. 141. 3. Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth, keep the door of my lips. I do obferve there, Firfl, That unadvifed and pajonate Speeches do eafily drop from us in our Troubles, efpecially in our Perfecution. Secondly, That a godly confcientious Man is very tender ofthefe, as of all evil. He that would live in Communion with God for the prefent, and hope to appear with comfort before him hereafter, is fenfible of the leaf thing that tends to Gods difpleafure, and Gods difhonour : This is the true fpirit of one that will be owned by Chrift at the laft day. Thirdly, There is no way to prevent being provoked to Impatience and rafhnefs of Speech, or any evil, but by keeping a VVatch, and renewing our Obligations to God. Fourthly, VVhoever would keep a VVatch, muff call in the aid and a /Hance of Gods Grace : Lord, let a batch upon the door of my lips. SERMON