84 SERMONS upon Serm. XII. nifel his love to us as he did to him;by the gift of the Holy Spirit or his filiation, John knew Chria to be the Son of God, by the fpirit defcending and abiding on him, Joh. s. 32. I faw the fpirit defcend from Heaven No a Dove, and it abode on him ; Yea, God himfelf owned this as a demonitration of hisSonfhip, Matt. 3. 17.- This is my well beloved Son,in whom I am well pleafed.So do waknow our felves to be the children of God by the fpirits inhabitation and fanQifying work upon our fouls. 2: The pouring out of the fpirit was the vifible evidence given to the church of the fr - ciency of Chrifls fatisfaaion. When God was reconciled, then he flied forth the fpirit, Als 2. 33. Therefore being at the right hand of God, exalted, and having received of the Father the promifë of the Holy Ghofi, he bath fhed forth this which ye nowfee and hears fo Joh. 7. 38, 39. He that believeth in me, ( as the Scripture faith ) out of his belly (hall flow rivers of living water: this he fpake of the fpirit which they that believed on him fheuld receive, for the Holy Ghofi was notyetgiven, becaufe Jefas was not yet glorified. Now this is true of Gods Love and Reconciliation to us in particular; when he is pacified, he gi- veth the fpirit;becaufe the part followeth the reafon of the whole; and the atonement made, and the atonement received, Rom. 5. a s. are evidenced the fame way, even by this fountain of living water, which is given to all believers. 3. This is the witnefs of the truth of the Gofpel ; and therefore the beft pledg of the Love of God we can have in our hearts: for the believers hopes are confirmed the fame way the Gofpel is confirmed ; that which confirmeth Chriflianity, confirmeth the Chri- ftian : The Extral and original Charter are confirmed by the fame Ramp and imprefhon; the fpirit confirmeth the love of God to linnets, and therefore the love of God tome; Mt. 5.32. And we arc witnefs of thefe things, and fo is the Holy Ghofl whom God bath given to them that obey him. The word was confirmed by the great- wonders wrought by the Holy Ghof, Heb. 3, 4. God bearing them witnefs, with fgns and wanders, and divers gifts of the Holy Ghofi. The fanQifying fpirit John 17. r 7. Santlify them through the troth, thy word is troth. r John 5. so. He that believeth on theSon, bath the witnefs in himfelf: The fpirit comforting the confcience by the blood of Chrift, and fanQifying the heart, and cleanfing it as with pure water: This alfo isour evidence. 3. From the Qualities of this evidence, and fo it is molt apt to fatisfie the doubting confcience, concerning its intetell in Chrift , and his benefits. r. 'Tis agreat benefit becoming the love of God, to give us his holy fpirit. 'Tis more than if he had given us all the world ; Perfons that have been at variance will not be- lieve one another, unlefs their Reconciliation be verified by fome remarkable good turn, and vifible tefimony of love : A great Offender reconciled to Auguflus, yet would not believe it, unlefs he put fame notable mark of his favour upon him ; as Da- vid to Amafa, making him General of his Army : Surely the breach hath been fo great between us and God, that we thall have no peace,and joy in believing, till we have fome gift that may be a perfel demonrtration that be is at peace with us, Rom. 5. r t. We joy in God,as thofe that have received the atonement. The pledg of it is in the gift of the fpirit. Mort mens patience cometh from their ftupidnefs, their confidence from their fècurity, their quiet from their mindlefnefs of heavenly things ; but the foul that is in good car- net}, mutt have a witnels of Cods love,or a fufficient proof that he is reconciled and taken into Gods Family, made an heir according to the hope of eternal life ;which is the fpirit of adoption, Gal. 4. 6. And becanfe ye are fns, God hath font the fpirit of his fon into your hearts, crying Abba,Father. 2. Tis moll fenftble ; as being within our own hearts : The death of Chrift was a Dcmonfration of Gods love, but that was done without us on the Crof, and before we wereborn : Juftification is a bleffed Priviledg, but either that is Gods al in Heaven ac- cepting us in Chrift, or elfe in the fentence of the law by which we are conftituted juf; but this cometh intoour hearts, Gal. 4. 6. God bath font the fpirit of his fen into our hearts : fo 2 Cor. s. 22. He bathgiven us the carnet[ of the fpirit in our hearts ; fo s John 5. s t. He that believeth bath the witnefs in himfelf; compare the eighth Verfe. 3. 'Tis a permanentand abiding teflimony : By his conftant operation we are acquaint- ed with him, and know him; what moveth and Rirreth in us; but now and then, we un- derfand not ;but the Holy Ghofl is familiar with us, refideth and dwelleth in our hearts; we feel his puke and motions, John 14. 7. 1 will find you the fpirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, becaufe it feeth him not, neither knoweth him, butye knowhim, for be dwelleth in you, and ¡hall be in yet: Therefore they know am a. ¡vtirOm, they that coafantly feel his Operations in comforting, quickning, infruling them, they may fee