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Sb SERMON'S upon Serm. -XII, not liignifie famuch the blood of Chrifi, as the fandifying cleaning fpirit purchafed there. by. The promife of the fpirit is fometimes made abfolutely, as Zech. 12. 10. I mill pour out a fpirit of grace and ; as implying the fir( grace; you mull take your lot; if you mils of ir,'ris long of your felves ; you refift former warnings, moti= ons and ttrivings of the fpirit ; wait in t1 a ule of means. Sometimes conditionally, to faith, John 7. 39. This he fpalte of the fpirit, which they that believe on him, fhouid receive. Sometimes to Repentance, A &s 2.38. Repent and thou fhalt receive the gift of the Holy Ghofi, Prov. t. 38. Now thefe mu( be often renewed, if we would get more of the fpirit into our hearts ; for the fpirit is continued and encreafed to us by the fame a&s by which it is gotten at fir(, by faith and repentance; faith affenting, or confcnting, or - denying. 1. Af rating with admiration of the infinite goodnels and love of God (pining forth to us in our redemption by Chrift 5 the affent muft beftrong, that it may more ef. fe &wally lead on other parts of faith, and becaufe the a &ions of the three Perlons are a great Myftery, t Pet. 1. 2. Elea according to the foreknowledg of God the father through the fans ifcation of the fpirit unto obedience, and fprin(¿ling of the blood of yefrs Here is the eternal love of the Father,the infinite merit of Chrift, and the all powerful operati on of the fpirit : An Affent with wonder and aftonithment, becaufe fo much wifdom, love and grace was difcovered in it, Eph. 3.17, 18,19. 2. Confect mutt be often renewed to that covenant by which the fpirit is difpenfed 5 often enter into a refolution to take God for your God, for your Soveraign Lord, your Portion and Happinefs; and Chrifi for your Redeemer and Saviour 5 and the Holy Ghoit for your Guide, Sank-fifer and Com- forter. Every folemn content renewed, doth both confirm you in the benefit of the fpi- rit, and bind you and excite you to the duties required by God in all thefe relations. Your confiant work is to love and reek after God as your happinefs, and Jefus Chrift as your Saviour, and the Spirit for your Guide and Dire &ion: 3. Dependance upon the love of God, and the merits of Chrifi, and the power of the fpirit, that you may ufe Chriftsap. pointed means with the more confidence. That foul that thus fets its felf tobelieve,find- eth a wonderful encreafe of the fpirit in this renewed exercife of faith, affenting, con- tenting, and depending, Rom. 15. 13. The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy shoji. 2. Your Repentance mu( be renewed by a hearty grief for fin, and refolutions and endeavours againft it. The more fin is made odious, the more the fpirit hath obtained his effel in you, and the more heartily you ftudy to pleafe God in the work of love and obedience, the more you are acquainted with the fpirit and his quicknings, the fpirit and his comforts, A &s 9. 31. They walked in the fear of the Lord, and the comforts of the Holy ghofi His bufinefs is to make you holy; the more you obey his motions, and fol- low his dire&ions, the more he delighteth to dwell in your hearts. 2. VS E is felf reflebfion : Let me put that Queftion to you, Ails 19. 3. Have ye re- ceived the Holy ghol (once ye believed? Is the fir( great change wrought ? Are you called fromdarknefs to light? From fin to holinefs ? Turned from Satan to God? Are yost made partakers of the divine nature ? 2 Pet. e. 4. The change mutt be perfetled more and more by the fpirit, 2 Cor. 3. 18. Beholding as in aglafs the glory of she Lord, we are ebangedinto his image fromglory to glory, by the Spirit of the Lord. Do you obey his fan &ifying motions? Rom. 8. 14. For as many as are led by the fpirit of God are the Sons of God. His motions all tend to quicken us to the heavenly life, inclining our hearts to things above 5 2 Thef.2. 13. But we'are bound to give thanks always to God; for 'you brethren, beloved of the Lord, becaufe God bath from the beginning chofen you to falvation through fanilcation of the fpirit, and belief of the truth. SE R-