Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1 the 8th Chapter of the ROMAN S. SERMON XIII. ROM. VIII. I o. And if Chrill be in you, the body is dead becaufe of fin, and the fpirit is life becaufe of righteoufnefs. H E Text is manifeffly a Prolepfis, or a Preoccupation of a fecret Ob- jellion againll our Redemption by Chrift : If believers die as well as others,how are they freedfrom death?quefionlefs Chrilt was fent into the world to abolifh the mifery brought in by Adamsfin ; now death was the primary puniíhment of fin, Gen. 2. 17. In the day thou eatefl thereof, thou fhalt furely die : And this remaineth on believers? The Apoftle anfwereth in the words read. i. Byfuppofition, If Chrift be in you ; That he might fix the priviledg on the Perfons to whom it properly belongeth. 2. By conceon, The body is dead becaufe of fin. 3. By correíïion, And the fpirit is life becauf of righteoufnefs. a. The fuppoftion fheweth that the comfort of the priviledg is drawn from the fpiri tuai union which believers have with Chrill, if Chrifl be inyou. Secondly, The concef. fon granteth what mutt be granted, that death befalleth believers, their bodies return to the duff as others do : But, Thirdly ,the correCíion is, that they are certain to live for ever with Chrill both in body and foui; and this upon a twofold ground; firfl,There is a life begun, which (hall not be quenched but perfeeted, the fpirit is life. Secondly, The ground and procuring caufe is Chrifls righteoufnefs. Sin deprived them of the life of grace, and forfeited the life of glory; but here the righteoufnefs ofChrifl hath purchafed this life for us, and the fpirit applieth it to us. Dobl: That Chrift in believers, notwithffanding death, is a Cure pledg and earneft to them of eternal life both in body and foul. This Point will be belt difcuffed with refpeft to the feveral claufes in the Text,the fuppofi'tion, the conceffion, the coercition, or contrary affertion. r. The fuppofition, if Chrill be in you. Here I will prove to you,that a true Chrilti- an is one that doth not only profefs Chrift, but hath Chrift in him, 2 Cor. s 3. 5. Know ye not that Jefus Chrül is in you,except ye are reprobates? that is,fenfelefs,ffupid wretches, not accepted of God, fo Col. I. 27. Chrifi in you, the hope of Glory. Now Chrill is in us two ways, Objeaively and Effeilively: Objeilively, asthe object is in the faculty, or the things we think of, and love, are in our hearts and minds; fo Chrifl is in us, as he is apprehended and imbraced by faith and love; fo he is Paid, Eph. 3. 17. To dwell in our hearts by faith; and again, fie that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him, I John 4. 18. Which is not to be underffood of the alts only, but the habitual temper and difpofitions of our fouls; for Ole by the ceafing of the acts, the union at lealt on our hearts would be broken off. Secondly, E/éuively, fo ClirifI is in us by his fpirit and gracious influence. Now the effeCs of his fpirit are; firft life, he is become the princi- ple