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8s . S E R'.M O N S upon Senn: XIII. ple of a new life in us, Gal. 2., 20. Chrifi liveth in me; and the life that I live in the ftefh, I live by the faith of the Son of God. Where he is, he maketh us to live; and we have another principle of our lives,than our felves or our own natural or renewed fpirit. Se- condly, Likenefi or renovation of our natures, Gal. 4.19. Until Chrifi be formed in Jost: The image of Chrift is inipreffed on the foul, 2 Cor. 5. 17. If any man be in Chrifi, he is anew creature. 'Tis all to the fame effe&, our being in Chrifi, or Chriffs being in us, for both imply Union, and the effeEt of it a near conformity to Chrifi in holinefs. Thirdly, Strength by the continued influence of his grace to overcome temptations, 1 John 4. 4. re are of God, ( little children) andhave overcome them, becaufgreater is he that is In you, than he that is in the world. The fpirit keepeth a foot Gods interefk in the foul againft all the affaults of the Devil ; fo for the variety of conditions we pats tho- rough, Phil. 4. 12. I know both how to be abated, and how to abound ; every where, and in all things I am inftrus ed both to be full, and to behungry; both to abound, and to ffffer need ; fo for all duties that we are called unto, r Cor. 15. lo. By the grace of God! am what I am; and his grace which was befiowed upon me, war not en vain, but I laboured more abun- dantly than they all, and yet not I, but the grace of God which was in me; and Heb. x3. 21. Wor1ing in you that which is pleating in hisfight through f fus Chrifi. Now you fee what 'tis to have Chrifi in us ; none but thefe are real Chrittians. 1. Becaufe, We muff frrft be partakers, of Chrifi before we can he partakers of any faving benefit purchafed by him: As members are united to the head, before they receive fenfe and motion from ir. Chrifi giveth nothing of his purchafe to any, but to whom he gi- veth himfelf fir(k, 1 John 5. 12. And to whom he giveth himfelf, to them be giveth all things needful to their falvation. 2. Where Chrifi once entreth, there he taketh up his abode and lodging, not to depart thence ; dwelling noteth his confiant and familiar prefence, he doth not fojourn for a white, but dwelleth as a man in his own houle and cattle ; There is a continued prefence and influence, whereby they are fupported in their Chiftianity ; He dwelleth in us, and we in him, and we know that heabideth in us by his fpirit; 1 John 3.24. and John 14.23. If a man love me, he will keep my words, and my father will love him, and we will come unto hem, and take up our abode with him. Not à vifit and away, but a conftan t refidence, John 15. 5. He that abideth in me, and .1 in him, the fame bringeth forth much fruit. 3. Where Chrifi is, he ruleth and reigneth;for we receive him as our Lord and Saviour, Col. 2. 6. Ao ye received Chrifi yefus the Lord, fo walk in him. We received him, that he may perform the office of a Mediator in our hearts, and teach us, and rule us, and guide us by his fpirit: All others know him by hearfay, but thefe know him by experi- ence ; the teftimony of Chrift is confirmed in them. Others talk of Chrift, bur thefe feel him; others have him in their ears and tongues, but not in their hearts; or if the heart be warm and heavenly for a fit, it quickly cooleth and falleth tp the earth again. Then here doth our true happinefs begin, to find Chrifi within us ; this is that which giveth the Seal to Chrift without us,; and all the Myfteries of Redemption by him;for you have experienced the power and comfort of it in your own fouls ; you find his image in your hearts, and his fpirit conforming you to what hecommandeth in the word, and have a fuitablenefs to the Gofpel in your fouls: you may look with an holy confidence for help to him in all your necefliities, when others look at him with ftrange and doubtful thoughts,becaufe neàrnefs breedeth familiarity, and the fenfe of his conti- nual love and prefence begets an holy confidence to come to him for mercy and grace to help ; in (hors, when others have but the common offer, you have a propriety and intereft in Chrift : Chrift without us is a perfehi Saviour, but not to you; the appro- priation isby union; he came down from Heaven, took our nature, died for linnets; af- cended up into Heaven again to make Intercefüon at the Right Hand of the Father; all this is without us: Do not fay. only there is a Saviour in Heaven ; is there one in thy heart ? There is an Heaven, is there one in thy heart ? Rom. 8. 26. But the fpirit its felf maketh intercejon for us with groaning., which cannot be uttered :, He was born of -the Virgin, is he formed in thee? Gal. 4. I 9. He died, are you planted into the likenefa of his death ? Rom. 6. 5. He is rifen from the dead ; do you know -the power. of his Refurreâion? Phil. 3. so. Are you raifedwith him ? Col. 3. r. He is af- cended, are you afcended with him ? Eph. 2. 6. Chrift without us efkablifhed the me- rit, but Chrift within us affureth the Application. Second-