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Ver. i t. the 8th Chapter of the ROMANS. 93 In trie ''Words we have t. The condition upon which the Refurretion is promifed (if the fpirit). 2. The certainty of performance let forth, 1. By the Author or efficient caufe, he that raifed up Jeffs from the dead. 2. By his fpirit that dwelleth in you, the way and manner Bof working. 1. The condition. A Relurretion is neceffary, but an happy Refurre &ion is limited lby acondition, Phil. 3. t i. If by any means. 2. The certainty of performance. 1. From the Author God, defcribed by his eminent and powerful work, (he that rai fed up Jefas from the dead). This is mentioned ;partly, as an inftance of his power ; and partly, as an affurance of his will; ftrfl an in fiance of his power, Eph. 1. 18, 19. Accord- ing to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Chrifl when he rait d him from the dead. Our Refurrehion is a work of the fame Omnipotency with that which he firftevidenced in railing Chrilt from the dead; the fame power is 11111 imployed to bring us to a glorious Eternity : Secondly, 'Tis an affisrance of his trill, for Chrilts Refurrefion is a pattern of ours, 1 Cor. 6. 14. God hath both railed the Lord, and will alto raite up us by his own power. 2 Cor. 4. 14. Knowing that he that raid up Jetas, (hall alfo raifb us up by Jefas. 2. For the way and manner of bringing it about; by his fpirit that dwelleth in ass. Where take notice, r. Of the Relation of the Holy Spirit to God. Secondly, His interefl in, and nearnefs to as. t. His relation to God, He is called his Spirit, and the Spirit of him that raifed Jefits from the dead: That is, of God the Father : The Holy Spirit is lometimes called the Fathers Spirit, and fometimes Chrilts Spirit, becaufe he proceedeth both from the Fa- ther and the Son; the Fathers Spirit, John t 5.26. When the Comforter is come, whom I will fend to you front the Father, even the fpirit of truth; he is alfo called, As i r. 4. The promife of the Father ; and Chrilts Spirit, Rom. 8. y. If any man have not the Spirit of Chrifl, he is none of bio; and Gal.4. 6. God hash lent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts. Now the Spirit being one in effence,and undivided in Will and Effence with the Father and the Son, Purely. the Father will by, or becaufe of the Spirit, dwelling in ut, raite us again; for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are one and the fame God. 2. Hisinterefi in., tndnearnefs to us, he dwellethin us : All dependeth upon that mark; he doth not fay he worketh in us per madam atlionis tranfeuntis ; fo he worketh in thofe that refill his work, and (hall perilh for ever; but per modum habitus permanentis; as we are regenerated and fantified,and the effets of his powerful Refurretion remain in thofe habits which constitute the newnature ; fo the Spirit is laid to dwell in us; and in the former verte, Chrílt to be in us ; if Cbrifl be in you, the body is dead becaufe of fn, verle to. Dot. That the bodies of Believers fhall be railed at the lafi day by the fpirit of boline,(s which now dwelleth in them. r. I (hall a little open this inhabitation of the fpirit. 2. Shere you why the ground and taule of our happy Refurredtion. Y. For the frrfl, the inhabitation of the Spirit. Dwelling may relate to a double Mea taphor, either to the dwelling of a man in his houle, or of God in his Temple ; of a man in his houle, a John 3. 24. And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him ; fo it noteth his confiant familiar pretence; or of God in his Temple, 1 Cor. 6. 16. Know ye not that you are the Temple of God, and the fpirit of God dwelleth in you? Which noteth.a facred prefence,that prelenceas a God to biefs and fantifie;the fpirit buildeth us up forfo holy an ufe, and then dwelleth in us as our Santifier, Guide, and Comforter; the one maketh way for the other; firll, a Santifier, and then a guide; as a (hip is firlt well rigg'd, and then a Pilot ; and by both he comforts us; he bath rege- nerated and guided us in the way of holinefs ; firlt he fantifieth and reneweth us, Tir. 3. 5. But according to his mercy, he fined as by the wafting of Regeneratìon,and the renew- ing of the Holy ghofi; and John 3. 6. That which is born of fpirit is fpirit. Firft, he build - eth his Houle or Temple, and then cometh andtlwelleth in it. Secondly, He griidethl and lead-