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94 S E R M O N S upon Senn. XIV. leadeth us in the mays of holinefì, Rom. r S. 14. And my Pelf alfo ám pert waded of yon, my brethren, that you alfo are fill of godlinefi, filled with all ltnowledg. If we live in the fpi- rit, let us alto walk ,in the fpirit, Gal. 5.25. Before, we were influenced by Satan, Eph 2. 2. Wherein in times paff ye walked according to the court of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, that now worketh in the children of difobedience. He put us uponanger, malice, envy, unclean tufts,-and noifome and filthy ways, and we readily obeyed. 2 Tim. 2. 28. And that they may recover themfelves out of the fiares of the devil, who are takencaptive at his will. But the old Inmate is caft out, and now we are guided and influenced by another Lord. Thirdly, He comforts us with the font of Gods fä. Cherly love, and our eternal inheritance. Rom. 8. r 6. The fpirit it felf beareth witnefs with our fpirit, that we are the children of God. 2 Cor. 2. 22. Who bath al fo foaled us, and ven us the earned of the fpirit into our hearts. By both he leaveth upon the foul a fweet tafte and rellifh of fpiritual and heavenly things. 2. Why this inhabitation is the ground of a bleffed rrfurredioh. I. To preferve the order of the perfonal operations. To make this evident, 'confider, r. That riling from the dead is a work of divine power ; for to him it belongeth to reftore life, who gave life at firft, 2 Cor. I. to. Who hath delivered us from fo great it death, &c. and is verified in plain experience. 2. That this divine power belongeth in common to Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, who be- ingone and the fame God, concurred in the fame work ; and whatever is done by the Father or Son, is done by the Spirit alfo ; and whatever is done by the Spirit, is done by theFather andSon alfo: As for mftance,apply it to the refurre&ion of Chrift,or our re- furre&ion : To the refurreflion of drift, 'tis. afcribed to the Father, and God the Fa. ther who raifed him from the dead. To God the Son in other places; Chrift is Paid to rife again by his own virtue and power, Rom. 4. 2 5. He dyed for our offence; and role again for our juftifiation 5 not railed only, but role again. So the Spirit is Paid to raife Chrift, Rom. t. 4. And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the fpirit of hob. tort, by the refurreülion from the dead. So i Pet. 3.18. crucified in the flefh, and quicknéd in the ¡pint:. Soour refurrehlion ; we are raifed by the Father : for in the Text 'tis laid, we are railed by the fpirit of him that raifed lefts from the dead. We are raifed by Chrift, John g. 21. For as the Father raifeth up the dead,. and quickneth them, even fo the fon quiclfneth whom he will. So by the Spirit we are raifed, as in the Text , Re (hall quicken your mortal bodies by his fpirit that dwelieth in you. 3. They all concur in a way proper to them. In all their perfonal operations'tis afcribed to the Father as the firft fountain of working, and fpring and well-head of all grace, who doth all things from himfelf, and by the Son and Holy Ghoft, as it refers to Chrifls refurre&ion, and ours alfa; lo Chrifts refurredion'tis afcribed to God the Father, who in the myftery of Redemption hath the relation of Supreme Judg, Ads 2.32. This Ye- fits bath God raifed up : and A&s to. 40. Him bath God raifed up the third day. And there is a fpecial reafon why it fhould be afcribed to God, as the Apofiles when they flood upon their priviledg , let them come and fetch us out, Ads 12. 39. fo the God of peace that brought again from the dead the great fhepherd, &c. as referring it to his judicial power, Heb. 13.26. Tho Chrift had power to rife, yet no authority ; our Surety was fetched out of prifon by the Judg. And then 'tis afcribed to Chrift himfelf, Job. 2,19. Deffroy this temple, and in three days I will raife it up : which he fpaae of the temple of his body. To prove the Divinity of his Perlon, it was neceffary that he fhould thus fpeak, or to prove himfelf to be God. John lo. 18. I have power to lay down my life, and to take it up again : He could put a period to his fufferings when he pleafed. So for the Holy Ghoft, he railed Chrift, becaufe the Spirit fan&ified his humanity, and by him the humane nature of Chrift was made partaker of created holinefs, and fo qualified to rife again whenhe had done his work; all the created gifts came from the fpirit ; and therefore they are called the anointing of the Holy Ghoft, with which he was anointed. So to our refurre &ion, God raifeth the dead, as'tis ufually Paid in Scripture, and Chrift raifeth the dead, Every one that believeth on the fin, bath everlafling life and I will raife him up at the laff day, John 6. 4o. The fpirit raifeth; and (till in a way proper to each perfon ; to underftand which, we mull obferve that there are three ways of fùbfiftence in the Divine Nature, which carry a great correfpondence with the prime Attributes in God, which are Power, Wifdom, and Goodnefs: Power we conceive eminently in God the Father, it being the molt obvious by which the Godhead is apprehended, and fo proper to him who is the beginning of being and working, Rom. i. 20. His eternal pow-