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Ver. i I. the 8th Chatter of the R OM ANS. 95 power and Godhead are feen by the things which are made. Wifdom is appropriated to Chrift, who is often reprefented in Scripture as the Wifdom of the Father, efpecially Prov. 8. And goodnefs to the Spirit, therefore often called the good Spirit,Neh. 9. zo. and Pfd. 143. 10. Not butthat all thefe agree to each perlon, forthe Father is pówer-. ful, wife, and good ; fo the Son, and fo the Holy Ghoft ; and love is fometimes appro- priated to the Father ; namely, the Fountain and original Love : But the Evangelical operative and communicative love of God is more dittinhly afcribed to the Spirit, becaufe all benefits come to the Creature this way ; we have our natural being from him, Job 33. 4- The Spirit of God bath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath gi- ven melife. The firft classic relateth to the body, the Spirit of the Lord hath made me ; that is, framed the body 5 the feeond to the foul, that Spirit of Life that God breathed into man when his body was framed and organized to receive it; the Spirit created and formed in man the reafonable foul; fo the new being which is communicated to us by the Redeemer through the covenant of Grace, Tit. 3. 5, 6. Our glorious being, which is confidered either as to foul or body ; as to foul, the fpirit is life becaxfe of rigbteouf- nef ; as to body, the words of the Text. Well then, the Holy Ghoft is the operative love of God, working from the Power of the Father, and Grace of the Son; and what- ever the Father or Son doth, you mutt 11111 fuppofe it tobe communicated to us by the Spirit. 2. Becaufe the Holy shag is vinculum unionis, the bond of union between us andChriff, We are united to him, becaufe we have the fame Spirit which Chrift had ; there is the fame Spirit in-Head and Members, and therefore he will work like effects in you and him ; if the Head rife, the Members will follow after, for this Myftical Body was ap- pointed tobe conformed to their Head ; as in obedience and fuffering, fo in happinefi and Glory, Rom. 8.29. Predeflinated to be conformed to the image of his Son. Chrift was railed, therefore they (hall be railed ; Chrift wasraifed by the Spirit of Holinefs, fo you are railed by the fame power of the Holy Ghoft ; Chrift is as tender of his Myfti -. cal Body as of his natural body, therefore will not lofe one Member or Joint of it, gob. 6. 39. 1 mutt lofe nothing ;; and theSpirit doth his office in you, as in him, for you are tò beraifed up with him, and as he wasraifed;we feel the powerof our Refurredion in Our Regeneration, and we feel the comfort of it in our being railed tò glory : Head and Members do not rife by a different power ; how then,you will fay, are the wicked railed by Chrift ? They are railed ex officio jridscu, but not beneficio Mediatoris, by him as a Judg, not by him as a Redeemer : There will be a Refurreaion both of the wicked and the godly, the one by the power of Chrift as Judg, the other by the power of his Spirit as Redeemer ; the one are forced to appear, the other go joyfully to meet the Bridegroom -, the one by Chriftspower,as Judg, (hall have the fentence of condemnati- on executed upon them; the other by vertue of Chrifts Life and Refurre&tion (hall en- ter into the poffeffaon of the bleffed ; a ftate of tiffs and eternal life, wherein they (hall enjoy God and Chrift,and the company of Saints and Angels, and Ping Hallelujahs for ever. , 3. Becaufe the Spirit of SaecJication worketh in us that Grace which giveth us a right and title to this glorious eflate ; For by Regeneration we are made children of God, and to children of the Refurre &ion, Luk :2o. 35, 36. But they which (hall be counted worthy to obtain thatworld, and the refnrreelion from the dead , neither marry, nor are given in marriage, neither can they die any more, for they are equal to the Angels, and are the children of God,being the children of the refurreition. Being admitted into his family here, we we may exile& to be admitted into his prefence hereafter ì And then actual holinefs, if we live -to years of difcrerion,is neceffarily required to a bleffed and glorious refurreii- on, Gal. 6. 8. If we low to the flefh, we (hall of our own flefh reap corruption; but if we fiw to the fpirit, we'hall of the fpirit reap lifeeverlafiing. There is no Harveft without lowing; and as the Seed is,fowill the Harveft be; They that lavifh out their time, and care, and eftates, in feeding their own carnal defaces, mutt expect a crop accordingly; which is death anddeftrulion ; but they that obey the fpirit, and fowto rigbteoufnefs, (hall obtain eternal life; for till the caule of death be taken away, which is tin, we may fear a Refurrection,but cannot expect arefurreítiontoourcomfort. 4. The fpirit doth not only regenerate and convert us, which giveth us a right, Gut abideth in us as an earnefl, Eph. I. 14. Wewere fealed with that holy fpirit of promifi, which is, the earnefl of our inheritance,until the redemption o f the purchafed pof lion. Where obferve Three Things, Firbt, How the heirs of promife are diftiugnifhed from others : Sçco¢,