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98 S E R M O N S upon Serm. XIV. (ball they arise: Ifa. 26. 19. The ,key of the grave is -in Chrilts hand, he is the guar- dian of their dull, keepeth their bones. Well then, if the fpirit of Chrift path freed them from the fnares of fin, he hash freed yon alto from the bands of death : or as 'tis faid- in the Revelations, if you haveepart in the firfi referellion, the fecond death bath no power over you : Rev. to. 6. That is, you (hall not be call into the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone ; The good fpirit bath prevailed óver the evil fpirit, and therefore your refurre &ion will be joyful. Z1 S E. Let us give up our (elves to the Holy Spirit as our fan&ifyer 5 let open your hearts, that he may come into them as his habitation; do not receive him gueltwife, in a pang, or for a turn, or in fame Cole= duty ; but fee that he dwelleth in you as an inhabitant in his houfe. A man is not faid to dwell in an Inn, where as a oranger or wayfaring man, he goeth afide to tarry for a night ; or in the houle of a friend, where he reforteth; no, ufe all Chrilts Holy means, that he may fix his abode in your hearts ; that he may dwell there, as at home, in his own houle, that he may be reveren- ced there as a God in his Temple. Motives. r. He richly requiteth ns : he keepeth up the houfe and temple where be dwelleth : The fpirit is our Peal and earneft. The fpirit of God andnf glory refieth upon you, 1 Pet. 4. 14. 2. The heart of man is not a wafle you will have a worfe gueft there, if not the Holy Spirit: Satan dwelleth and worketh in the Children of difobedience. t Sam. t6. 14. But the Spirit. of- the Lord departed from Saul,and an evil fpirit from the Lord troubled 5 him and Eph. 2. 2. The fpirit that now worketh in the children of difobedience; and Eph. 4.27. Neither give place to the Devil. That curled inmate will enter, if we give place to him, and hearken to his motions ; So that then he will make the body a fink of fin, and a dunghil of corruption : tempts you to fcandalous -fins , which do not only wafte the body for the prefent , but is a pledg of eternal dam- nation. 3. Confider how many deceive themfelves with the hopes of a Glorious Refürreclion. Alas I they ate ftrangers to the Spirit; it may be not to his tranfcient motions; ( they refilt the Holy Gholt, which will be their greater condemnation) but to his confront re- sidence; for where he dwelleth, he maketh them more Heavenly, acquainting them with God, Col. 1. 6. more Holy, that is his office to fanftifie; t Pet. 1. 22. To love God more, for he is the operative love of God, Rom. g. g. t John 4, 15. To hate fin more, that bringeth death; and his bufinefs is to come as a pledg of life. Alas I in molt, the fpirit that dwelleth in them lufteth to envy, are ruled by in unclean fpirit, by the fpirit of the world, a Cor. 2. 12. have no love to God,noreal hatred of fin. a. Z1 S E. Live in obedience to his fan &ifying motions, Rom. 8, 14. As manyas are led by the fpirit, are the fans of God. The fpirit of God by which you are guided and led, is that divine and potent fpirit that railed up Chrilts dead body out of the gravo ; and if you be led and gqverned by him, you (hall be railed by the power of the fame fpirit that railed Chrifis Body :This power is the caufe, but your right is by his fan&ification. 3. V S E. ZJfe your bodies well poffifs your veil in fan &/ifieation and honour;.l Thef. 4 4. 1. Offer up your 'elves to God. For every Temple mutt be dedicated, Rom. 12. I. I befeech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye. prefent your bodies a live- ing facrìfiëe, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reafonable fervice, Rom. 6. z3. Neither yield ye your members as infiruments of unrighteeufnefs unto fn, but yeild your /elves unto God, as thofe that are alivefrom the dead. 2. When devoted to God,take heed you do not ufe them to fnfuality andfi'lthivefs: which wrong the body both here and hereafter; the pleasures of the hod ycannot recornpence the pains of your forfeit, or intemperance; much lets eternal torments: for what will be the ifiue? if you live after the fresh , Rom. 8. 13. you mull die; therefore you Ihould daily keep the flab in a fubordination to the fpirit, 1 Pet. 2. i1. Ibefeechyou as flrangers and pilgrims, that ye abflain from fleshly lulls. To pleafe and gratifie the Hefh, is to wrong the Soul. 3. We