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Ver. 19. the 8th Chapter to the ROMANS. I05 7. If we pay not the debt of obedience,ree incur the debt of punilhmcnt, Matr: 6. It. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive Our debtors; and Rom. 6. 23. The wages of fn is death. A man by pleating the flefh runneth himfelf further in debt than all the gain he gets by fin doth amount unto, be it never fo pleating and profitable ; he runneth in debt ro Gods Juflice, which at length will take him by the Throat, and fay, Pay what thou oweft; it will cart you into the prifon of Hell, -and you (hall not depart thence till you have paid the utmoft mite, Luke 12. 59. For the prelent it bringeth you trembling of con - fcience, and hereafter eternal vengeance; thefe things fhould be minded, becaufe the Devil gets into our hearts by the back- door of fenfual affections, he doth not bring the temptation to our reafon. To confider it as a remedy, a. 'Own the debt by direlling your felves to God : Every one fhould have his own ; give unto Ca far the things that are C.efars, and to God the things that are Gods, Mat. 22. 2I. Nothing more realonable than that God fhould have his own, 2 Cor. 8. 5. They fill gave themfelves to the Lord. 2. Keep a confiant reckoning how you lay out your felves for God, Phil. I. al. To me to live is Chrifl. Neh. t. r 1. The Lord fhem me favour in the fight of this man, for I have been the l.ings cupbearer. 3. Pray Gad to Neff you, and ever keep in remembrance the former debt, t Cor. 6.15. `Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Chrifi ? Shall I then take the members of Chrifi, and make them the members of an harlot ? God forbid. SERMONXVI. ROM. VIII. 13. If ye live after the fiefb, ye (hall Glie. ---o -. E R. E is another Reafon rendred why Chrillians fhould not live after the flefh ; before,a debito; now a damn ; or if you will take the wholeVerle, you have the danger of the carnal life, and the benefit of the fpiritual ; both Propo(tionsare hypothetical or conditional, both include perfeverancein either courfe: The Apoflle faith not, If you have lived after the flefh, ye (hall die: All have lived after the flab before they lived after the fpirit; and in theother part, if ye go on to mortifie; in the one branch the doom is heavy death, not only temporal, but eternal ; in the other the boon or benefit is as much as we can delire, and far more than we can ever deferve or requite ; both have their ufe, for man is apt to be moved by hope or fear ; if honefty and duty will not perfwade us, yet danger and be- nefit may have an influence upon us. Let us now confider thefirfl claufe, where death is propounded as the neceffaryconfe- quent of carnal living; we need not only milk, but fait ; as milk to nourifh the new creature, fo fait to fret out the corruption of the old man : A fore penalty is threatned to them that fulfil the defires and inclinations of the flefh; we buy carnal delights at too dear a rate, when we mutt die eternally to enjoy them. Doll. That God threatneth thofe that live after the "JO, with eternal death and defirucïi- en. I (hall fpeak to this Point. s. By way of Explication. 8 0 1. By