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Ver.13, the 8thfrbnptEr to the R O M A N'S. I I Y trembling, will by the fpirit mortitìe the deeds of the body, pats through the diffi- culties of Religion , (hall have plealùre at his Right Hand for evermore, Plàl. 16.11 3. Tis conffient with his love and goodnefi : This is necefrary to be confidered i Fir1, Becaufe we are apt to think hardly of God for his threatning,. 'Tis for our profit to give warning, and to bring us torepentance, and that we may take heed and efcape thefe things ; hethreatneth that he may not punish; and he punitheth in part, that he may not punish for ever : The firft awakening is by fear, afterwards thame, forrow and in- dignation; the carfe driveth us to the promiCe : Firft,we look upon fin as damning,then as defiling; firft,as it fits us for Hell,then as it unfits us forHeaven.2. Tir a benefit to the world. Punifbment among men, becaufe of the degeneracy of the world, is a more pow- erful engine of Government than reward ; we owe =eh of our fafety to Priions and Executions : fo in Gods Government, tho love be the mighty Gofpel Motive, yet fear hath its ufe, at leali for thofe who will not ferve God out of love ; (laviflt fear tieth rheirhands from mifchief. 3. For the converted they findall help in this part of the fpiritsdifeipline, to guard this, love. When their minds are in danger of being inchanted by carnal delights, or per- verted by the terrors of fenfe; when the fie(h prefents the bait, Faith (hews the hook, Match. to. 28. Or are apt to abufe our power, becauCe none in the world can call us to an account, Job 3. 23. DeflruítionfromGod was a terror to me. He flood in awe of God, who is a party againfi the oppreffor, and will right the weak againLl the powerful. 2. Secondly, Since'tis threatned, we may conclude the certainty of its accomplifhment. The world will not eafily believe that none (hall be laved but the Regenerate, and thofe that live not after the flea!, but the fpirit ; and love God in Chrill above all the world, even their own lives ; that betides thefe few, all the refs fhall be tormented in Hell for ever; flefh and blood cannot eafily down with this Doârine ;but Gods threatnings are as Pure as executions. r. Becaufe of the holinefe of his nature, Pfal. r r.6,7.V pon the wicked he will rainfnares, fire, and brimftone, and horrible tempefis this fhall be the portion of their cup, for the righte- ous Lord liveth righteoufnefr : But men feign God, as they would have him to be, and judg of Gods holinefs by their own intereft, Pfal. go. 21. Thou thatrghteft that I was alto - gether inch a one as thy felf. As if God were lets mindful, becauCe he is fo holy, and will not be fo indulgent to their fleih and fin, as they are themlelves,and would havehim to be. 3. His unalterable truth. God cannot lie, Tit. r. 2. Tho the threatning in the prefent judgment doth not always thew the event, but merit; yet it follows afterward; for the Scripture mull be fulfilled, or elfe all Religion will fall to the ground, he cannot endure any ( hould queflion it, 'tis not a vain Ccare -crow, Deut. 3o. 19. 20. 1 call Heaven and earth to record this clay again ft you, that 1 have fet before you life and death, bleffing and curing; therefore chilli life, that thou and thy feed may live; that thon mage. ft love the Lord thy God, that thou mayeit obey his voice, and that thou mayei cleave unto him, for heir thy life, and the length of thy days. 3. His allfafficient Power, 2 Thee i. 9. Who fhall be punifhed with everlaiing de firullian, from the pretence of the Lord, and the glory of his power ; and Rom. 9. 22. What if God willing to thew his wrath , and to make his power known, indureth with much longfuiring, the vels of wrath fated to defirr ion? If God will do fo, furely he can, there is no let there, Heb. s o. 29, 3o. Vengeance belongeth to me, and I will recompence, faith the Lord : and again, the Lord fhall Judy his people. He liveth for ever to fee vengeance executed ; if it teem co be Co terrible to you; God knoweth 'tis with , a defign of love to awakenthofe that are carnal : What a cafe am I in then! And to make the converted more cautious,that they do not border on the carnal life; God ma- keth no great difference here,between the righteous and the wicked; hereafter he will. SEIto