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I i! 2 SE B.1140 N S upon Serm. X VII. SERMON XVII. ROM. VIII. i 3. If ye live after the fiefh, ye fháll die. SE is Information. I. To few the lawful ufe of Threatnings. 2. The folly of two forts of people. I. Of thole that will rather venture this death, than leave their finful pleafure. 2. Thofe that would reconcile God and flefh, God and the world, &c. 1. The lawful ufe of threatnings. r. Threatnings are neceffary during the law of Grace : Two Arguments I {hall give for the proof thereof. I. If Threatnings were needful to Adam in the State. of Innocency and Perfe&ion,much more are they ufeful now, when there is fuch a corrupt Inclination within, and fo many Temptations without ; in the belt there is a double principle, and many inordinate lulls, that we need theftrongeft bridle and curb to fuppreis them. 2. If Chrilt came to verifie Gods threatnings, Cutely God bath fame ufe of them now : But fo it is, the Devil would reprefent God as a lyer in his comminations, Gen. 3. 4. Te fhall not Purely die. Chrift came to confute the Tempter, and would die rather than the Devils reproach of Gods threatnings fhould be found true; furely this is to check thoughts of iniquity. 2. Thefolly of two fortsof people. Firft, Of thofe that will rather venture this death than leave their finful pleafures, and live an holy life ; carnal men think no life fo happy as theirs, being efcaped out of fetters of Religion, and bonds of Confcience, in the Apofiles Expreffion, Free from rigbteoufnefi, Rom. 6. 20. Whereas the truth is, none are more miferable for they carry it fo, as if they were in love with their own death, Prov. 8. 36. He thatf[nnetb again fl me, wrongeth hisown foal: and they that hate me, love death. You hazzard foul and body, and all that is near and dear to you for a little car- nal fatisft&ion ; for the prefent you get nothing but the guilt of confcience, hardnefs of heart, and the,difpleafure of the eternal God; and for the future, everlafling deftru- &ion from the prefence of the Lord, when the body and foul fhall be caft into Hell Fire. Confider thisbefore it be too late; there is no man goeth to Hell or Heaven, but with violence to confcience or lulls ; thofe that go to Hell offer violence to their confci- ence. 2. Thofe that would reconcile God and flefh, God and the world, and fcure their interel in both ; that hope to pleafe the flefh, and yet to be happy hereafter for all that; would keep up a profeffion of Godlinefs, while they live in f cret league with their lulls : God , will not halve it with the world, nor part flakes with the flefh ; you cannot pleafe the flefh, and enjoy God too ; for you have but one happinefs, if you place it in contenting the flefh, you cannot have it in the fruition of God Their end ii deflruction, whofe God is their belly, and who mind earthly things, Phil 3. 59. Worldly pleafures will end in eternal torments; and fo much delight,fo much more will your torments be ; for contra- ries are punifhed with contraries, Rev. 8. s r. How much fhe hath glorified her felt and lived delicionJly, fo mach farrow give her. Therefore, fo much as you gratifie the flefh, fo much you endanger the foul: Will you for a little temporal fatisfa &ion, run the hazzard of Gods eternal wrath? 2. USE