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118 SERMONSupon Serm.XVI. cording to the Scale of the Sant -Wary 5 when he faith, Adultery, Fornication, Murther, &c. are works of the fle(h : We muft not only think of the groCs alts, but the very fir(t feeds of thefe fins, the fecret inclinations and defires of the flefh in this kind, Matt. 5. 27, 28. Solafcivioufnefs,not the lnful attempt only, but every motion of tongue, heart, fenfes, by which the eyes and ears, the fouls and confciences of our (elves and others may be polluted to Idolatry, Anger,inordinate affeetion of the heart to any crea- ture, Epb. 5.5. So by murther, not only when it proceedeth to blood, but hatred, va- riance, ftrife, herefie, Matto. 5. 21, 22. So in Ihorr, emulation and affeftation of ap- plaufe, Gal. 5. laß. 3. The Prevalence of the divine or carnal principle, mull determine our condition. Now its reign is known, e. By our favour, relifh and ta(t, Rom. 8. 5. For every mans guff is according to his conflitution, which breedeth obleétation, or pleafure of mind ; now when we favour only the things of the fle(h, that if it be pleafed, quiets us in the want of other things, contents us in the negleCt of God and his fervice, that we have no appetite after, nor favour or relifh any fweetnefs,but in flelhly things 5 this is an ill fign. 2, By our courfe ofwal(zng s Which is often infifted on in this Chapter. There may be fome blemilhes in Gods Children, fome unevenefs of obedience through the relicks of the flefh, but their main confiant courfe, for which they labourand irive, is to approve themfelvesto God, and to be accepted with God, and to live ino bedience to the moti- ons of his fanflifying fpirit ; but where there is a carelefsnefs in the heavenly life, the influence of the flefhly life is moltdifcoveredinall our alltions. 3. By our tendency and fcope. When the heart is turned to, or alienated from God, the fleth reigneth ; if the world turn our hearts from him, and the fletli be pleafed before him, and we mind our own Things 5 we are lovers of pleafure more than lovers of God. SER-