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Ver. 13 the 8th Chapter to the OM ANS. 119 SERMONXVIII. ROM. VIII. I3. if ye through the fpirit do mortifie the deeds of the body, ye (hall live. E come now to the fecond Clauîe,wherein we have Two Things. r. The condition to be performed. 2. The bief dnefe promifed. In the Condition we have, r. The parties intered. 2 . The duty required. i. The Parties interefféd, are juf ifled believers, who are not in the fleth, nor after the flefh : Yet Two Perfons are mentioned, the Principal Author , and the Subordinate Agent; We are the Principal Parties in the Obligation, but in the Operation the Spirit is the Principal ; the Particle ( through) is ufually the Note of an Inftrument, yet the Spirit is not our In(trumenr, but we are his he firft worketh by us as Obje &s, then by us as In(iruments; and therefore tho the duty falleth upon us, and we are laid to do it by the Spirit ; yet it mull be thus underftood ; W are the principal parties as to Ob- ligation of duty ; but as to Operation and Influence of Grace, the Spirit is the princi- pal. 2. in the duty there is the Abl,( mortifie) ; the Object, ( the deeds of the body ). t. The a, mortifie. I (hall open it more fully by and by, only note for the prelent, Firtt, Sin is alive in forte degree in the juffiffed ; Otberwife what need it to be mortified ? The Exhortation were fuperflaous if fin were wholly dead. 2. It noteth a continued 9á : We mull not re(t in a Mortification already wrought in us ; He faith not, If ye havemortified, but if ye do mortifie ; this mull be our dai- ly praElice, not done now and then, or by fits ; if we always fincerelylabour to morti- fie the deeds of the body, we are in the way of life. 3. It fbeweth that this workmuftnot be attended flightly, or by the by, but carried on to fuch a degree, as corruption may be weakned, or lyea dying, or be upon the decli- ning hand; the fuccefs and event is confiderable as well as the endeavour; where the event dependeth upon outward and forreign caufes, a man hath comfort in doing his duty, whatever the fuccefs be ; but here where the event falleth within the compaf of our duty its felt, there it mutt be regarded ; we mutt fo oppofe fin, that in Come fort we may kill it or extingui(h it; not only fcratch the face of it, but leek to root it out, at leali that mutt be our aim. 4. Mortifying noteth force pain or trouble ; For nothing that hath life, will be On to death without force (tingling; and the AA cannot be fubdued without force trouble to our felves, or violence offered to our carnal Affections ; only let me tell you, if it be painful to mortifie fin, you make it more painful, by dealing negligently in the buffs nefs, and drawing out your vexation to a greater. length , the longer you fuffer this Ca- 'manitf