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I 126 S E KM 0 N S upon Serm.XVI]I,` unto what is good, fo alto to abate the power of fin; as the way to deftroy weeds is to plant the ground with good feed; and 'tis given us as a bridle actually to re (train the exorbitances, and hold it in, when it flwth ont ; now this grace of God will be in vain, unlefs it be ufed to fuch a purpofe; and one of Gods molt precious gifts would lie idle; therefore we (hould.act it , or walk in the fpirit that we may not fulfil the tufts of the flefh. 2. Preferve it in power and vigour: For the life of grace dependeth very much upon the dying of fin, as health and Drength in the body cometh on as the difeafe abateth, I Pet. 2. 24. That we being dead unto fin,nright be alive unto rightegufn f : But as the life of fin increafeth, Grace languifheth and withereth, and is ready to die, Rev. 3. 2. The fle(h and the fpirit are contrary, and always are increaching upon one another ; and there is this advantage on the flefh's fide, that it is a native, not a fpreigner , home- bred plants which the foil yieldeth naturally without any tillage ; as Nettles will fooner preferve themCelves, and get ground upon better plants, becaufe the earthbringeth them forth of its own accord; or as water heated, the cold is natural to it; and will prevail again(t the heat, unlefs it be driven out by a confiant fire; whether the prevalency of fin dot,h weaken Graceeffeäive or meritorie, by its malignant influence, or as deferving fuel] a punilhment from God , I will not nowdifpute; but weaken it, it doth, that is clear by experience; for tho Grace beplanted in us by God,'ris not fettled in fuch an indivifible point, as that it cannot be more or lefi; there isa remiffion of degrees, Matth: 24. 12. The love of many [hall wax cold. Faith may grow lick and weak; there are foul - diftempers as well as bodily ; and then a man is altogether unfit for action, and perform - cth duties in a very heartlefsand uncomfortable fafhion ; therefore f1í11 we mutt be mor- tifying fin. 3. That we may increafe it. Grace is not only Donum,a Gift to be preferved; but Ta- lenttwo, a Talent to be improved and increafed upon our hands, that we may be the more fit,to glorifie God ;that appeareth by the many excitations in Scriptureto growth, 2 Pet. 3. 18. But grow in grace, and in the knowledg of our Lord and Saviour Jefìts Chrifi. 'Tis not enough to maintain that meafure of Grace which we have already re- ceived, but we mull get more ; always look after the growth of it in our felves ; and indeed the one cannot be done without the other; there is no potfibility to keep what We have, unlefs it be improved ; he that roweth againft the Dream, had need. ply the Oar; and he that goeth up a bandy hill,muft never Rand Dill; and 'cis our own fault if it doth not grow; God loveth to multiply and increafe his gifts; Grace be multiplied, 2 Pet. 2.2. There is more to be had, and more will be given, unlefs our fins obftruû the elfulion of it ; if we get it not, we máy blame our fives, for God doth nothing to hinder the increafe; and indeed whenGrace is in any life 'and vigor, it will be growing, Prov. q. 18. The way of the ¡aft is as a fhining light which fhineth more and more unto the perfeilday. The morning light increafeth; a wicked man groweth worfe and worfe; he finneth away the light of his confcience, rejefteth the light of the word, till he Dumbleth into utter darknefs : 'Tis like the coming on of the night, the other like the coming on of the day : Now mortification of fin is the great means of growing in Grace, remover & quod prohibit; it maketh room for grace in the foul ; as it taketh away that which letteth, that it may diffufe its influence more plentifully : In Heaven we are per- feá, becaufe there is no fin, oppofite principles are wholly, gone; fo here, the more you weaken fin, the more is Grace introduced with power and fucccf, a Pet. a. 1, 2. Where- fore laying afide all malice, and all guile, andhypocrife, and envy, and evil-fpeaking, as new born babes,defire the fncere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby; there is no way of growth, till evil frames of fpirit be laid afide. r. US E is to enforce this duty upon all ti?ofe that are called unto, or look for any hopes by Jefus Chrift to mortifie the deeds of the body : Oh ! Do not think you are pall mortification, becaufe you are in a Hate of Grace ; there is need of it (till ; yea, it concerneth you more than others. r. There is fill need of it, if you confider the abundance of (in of all kinds that yet re- maineth with to ; And the marvellous alivity of it in our Couls,and the curled influence of ir, or the mifchief that will accrue to us, if it be let alone : Let me a little preis you by all thefe Confiderations. r. The aborandance of fn of all kinds that remaineth with the regenerate, or tbofe that are railed to gee. I ¡hall evidence that by fome Scriptures, r Pet. 2. r. Wherefore lay- ing abide all malice, and all gui.!e, and hypacrifses, and envies, and evil fpeaking ; to whom is