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Ver.a 3. the 8th Chapter to the R OM A N S. 127 is this fpoken ? The word wherefore biddeth us look back ; when we look back, we find'twas fpoken to thole that were called, efîeltually called, and born again, ;yea thole that had made foine progrefs in mortification, that had purifyed their hearts to the obedience of the truth, I Pet. I. 22. Who would think that the feeds of fo much evil fhould lurk in their Hearts? but alas 'tis fo ! they are in part envious, malicious, hypocritical to the laft; and unlels they (hall keep mortifying, tee fins will get the mattery of them, and,bewray themfelves to their lofs, and prejudi e, and Gods difho- nour. See another place, Col. 3. 5. Mortify thereforeyour members which are upon earth, fornication, uncleannefs, inordinate ajealion, evil concupifoence, and covetofnefa which is idolatry. You would think all this were fpoken to loofe and ungoverned men, that have not the loft Tindure and (hew 'of religion no, of 'tis fpoken of th whole life was hidden with God in Chrift, men acquainted with fpititual things, and brought un- der the power of the life of Chrift; we fooli(hly imagine that fuch fhould only be told of the remainders of unbelief, or fpiritual pride, or loch like evils as are very remote from publick infamy and fcandal : but the Spirit of God is wirer than we, and knoweth our Hearts, and the fecret workings of them, better than we do our felves, and it's bet- ter thefe fins fhould be laid open in the warnings of the Word, and difcovered to us, rather than in us, by the prevalency of a temptation; 'an over fpiritual Preaching, bath not refined but deltroyed religion; God thought it fit it fhould be laid to them that are taken' into the Communion of the life of Chrift , mortify; whht ? your 'fpiritual pride ? no ; but Fornication, Uncleannefs, Inordinate affection; the root of the fouleft fins is in our nature, and if we do not keep a leyere hand over them, will fprout out in our pradice;fo Gal. 5. T9, a0. Now the works of 'the fef/i are manifefd, which are theft, adultery, fornication, uncleaneefi, láfcivioufnefï, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred , varience, emalation, wrath, ftrife, fedition, hereje. The Apoftle thought good to warn profeffing Chriflians, who had given up themfelves to the leading of the fpirir, of the works (t. ehe ffefh; he giveth a black catalogue of them, and he concludeth all , of which I told you before, as I have alfa told you in times path, that they that do firth things fhs& not nherit the Kingdom if God. The Apoftles that were divinely iñfpired, and fullof the the Wildom of God , did not boat aloft in airy fpeculative firains, or refired fpiritual notions, but thought meet to condefcend to thefe particulars, not only when they fpake to Gentiles, but Churches, and profe(lìng Chriltians, to give warnitig againft Fornication, and Drunkennefs, and other loch grofs fins, and that not once, but often; for they knew the nature of man, and that nice fpeculations are too fine to do the work of the Gofpel: all that have corruption in them, had need ftand upon their guard to prevent fins of the blackelk hew, and fouleft note among men. Ile give but one In- ftance more, and that is of our Saviour Chrift, who thought meet to warn his own Dif- ciples, who Purely were good men,Luke 2I. 34. Take heed left at any timeyour hearts be overcharged with forfeiting and drunkennefs, and the cares of this life, and fo that day come upon you unaware. This is a leffon for Chrifts own difciples; a man would think it more proper for haunters of Taverns, , and Boon companions, whnie fouls are funk and loft in luxury and excels ; but Chrift Jefus thought. this caution needful for thofe that were taken into his own company, and bofome friends: let not alhhis be interpreted as any excufe to them that (wallow the greater} fins without fear, live in them without feule, and commit them without remorse ; cautions fhould not be turned into excufes, there is Come inclination in our nature to there things: but thefe are not the pra &ices of Gods people, 'cis fpoken that they may not at any rime be fo. 2. As there is abundance of fin, fo it's allive and ¡firring even after fame progrefs in mortification: 'tis inticing, vexing the new nature, urging to evil, oppofing that which is good;'ris warring, working, always prefent with us, that the belt Chriltians grow weary of themfelves, [tom. 7. 24. Oh wretched man that I am, who ¡hall deliver Inc from this body of death? Was Paul an underling in grace ? Is not fin the fame in all hearts? Have not we as much need to keep humble and watchful, and make ufe of Chrifts mercy and power, as he had? Is fin grown more tame and quiet? Or are we more fool -hardy and fecure ? Surely we need to mortifie corruption as much as others; and whatever degree of grace we have attained unto, this mutt be our daylie task and exercife : if fin be flirting, we mull he flirting againfi it ; and when the enemy is altive and warring again(} the Soul, it is a folly for us to holdout hands : efpecially lince cor- ruption is ever ready to renew the affault there, to return after it hath been toiled, and by leverai ways and kinds vendeth its felt; when one branch of it is cut off; and one - way