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Ver.13. the 8th Chapter ta the ROMAN S. i20 This is done by found belief, and deep Confideration as the means, r John 4. i 9. We love him becaufe he loved us firfi, 2 Cor. 5. t4, x5. For the love of Chrift confiraineth ur, becaufe we thus judg, that if one dyed for all, then were all dead : and that he dyed for all, that they which live fhould not henceforth live unto themfelves, but unto him which dyed fir them, androfe again : By the Spirit as the Author of Grace, Rom. 5. 5. Becauf the love of God is flied abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghoflgiven unto us. Then the fòul know- eth no happinefs but to enjoy his love and favour, and fo it prevaileth over their natural inclination, they live not to themfelves but to God ; not according to the wills of the flefh, but the Will of God. 2. Confider the feveral ways how this root fprouteth forth : Two are mentionedby the Apottle in the fore-cited place, Gal. 5. 24. With the afellions and lulls, aasöpac, paffi- ons ; vri8se4dsc, affe &ions: The firft word notetbvexing paflrons, the next defirable tufts: There are two difpofitions in the foul of man, of averfation and profecution ; by the one we efchew evil, by the other we purfue good : Corruption bath invaded both, and therefore Grace is neceffary to re &ifie and govern both,2Cor.6.7.By the armour of rights. oufnef both on the right hand,and on the left. i . Wemußcrucifie our pions which have to do with evils vexatious to the flefh, and we mutt fubdue our lulls or affe &ions which have to do with thole good things which are pleating to the flefh ; there are vexing evils in which the mind fttffereth a kind of affli &ion; but 'cis a diforder arifing from felt lové, and therefore it mutt be mortified; as envy which corrodeth and fretteth the heart of him that is furprized by it ; but yet felt love is the caufe of it, for we are troubled that any water fhould pals by our Mill, or that others fhould enjoy any honour, or effeem, or trade, or profit which we covet for our felves ; fo anger at any thing done by man which is difpleafingto us, and if given way to, is a fhort fury and madnef,and hindreth a clear difcovering of what is right and equal, lam. r. 20. So worldly furrow at any thing done by God difpleafing to the flefh, 2 Cor. 7. Worldly forrom works death. So in- ordinate fear, which betrayeth the fuccors whichreafon and grace offereth to fortifie us upon any fudden incurfion of evil ; The fear of man bringeth a fnare, Prov. 29.25. So worldly cares which divert us from God, and dependance on his Providence, Phil. 4. 6, 7. Yea, fer up an anti-providence in our own hearts : The like may be faid of malice and revenge, all which bring a torture with them ; and if allowed or indulged, would foon deftroy our love to God or men ; as if God withholdeth from us any good that we delire, or fendeth that which we delire not, but crofleth our humor, as fickncfs, want, re- proach, or difrefpe &, or whatever the heart is carried to efchew ; or if men enjoy any thing more than we would have them, or do any thing contrary to the conveniency of our flefh, we ftorm and fret, jullifie our paffions, think we do well to be angry ; tho thefeare a fort of fins, which are a punifhment to themfelves, and do dellroy not only our duty, but our peace; and difquiet and torment the foul that harbors them, yea, will loon deftroy that love we owe to God or man, therefore they mutt be mortified, á. Not only our pions but our affetlions muff be mortified ; Or more pleafant lulls to which we are carried by a fiveeter inclination of nature ; filch as are furred up by car- nal baits and pleafures, as to initance in fins of the more fordid and brutifh part of man- kind ; motions to Intemperance, Luxury, Uncleannefs, and brutith Satisfa &ions ; or to inllance in the more refined part of the world, to worldly Greatnefs, Honour, and vain delights, to be dillinguifhed fromothers by Eftate, Rank, and outward Dignity ; as eve- ry man is apt to be carried away by fome inordinate lust or other ; now whatever the diltemper be, it mutt be purged out of the heart, if we would have Chrift have any inte- reft there: And here we mull not only refirain the ad, but mortifie the habits, for other. wife we cannot be fife, for every temptation falleth in with fome or other of theft fins, and giveth a new life to it ; unlefs the lulls are weakned, the converfation cannot be Chrillian, t Pet. 2.4. Abflain from flefhly lofts ; having your converfations honeft; and Jam. 4. 1. From whence come wars and fighting 1 Come they not hence, even from your lofts that mar in your members? All the,ir ftrifesand contentions come from their carnal hearts, or fenfual inclinations, which firfl rebelled againfl the upper part of the foul, or the di&ates of Grace and Reafon, and then broke out into outragious or misbecoming pra&iles: And our Saviour telleth us, that Murthers, Thefts, Adulteries, come fill out of the heart, Matth. 15. r9. Fromthe polluted fountain of the heart, floweth all the pollution of the life: And if the all fhould be reltrained,yet unlefs the heart be clean - fed, all is loathfome to God, Matth. 23. 27. Therefore kill the tuffs in your heart, and ye ¡hall more eafily curb the finsof the outward man, that they may not break out to 'Godsdifhonour. Many think to fafhion the life, but negle& the heart, and if they keep 8 R from ir`,