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Ver. t 3. the 8th Chapter to the ROMANS. 131 fo much as they ; Or love flattery mare than reproof ; 'cis a fign fin and they are agreed, and they would fleep securely : Not only did an Herod put John in Prison, but an Aft pat the Prophet in the Rocks, 2 chron. 16. ro. 4. In cafe of great fpiritual deadnefi: The heart hath too freely converted with fin, and fogroweth lefs apt for God, Pfal. 119. 37. Turn away mine eyes from behold- ing vanity, and quicken me in thy ways; and Heb. 9. 14 How much more ß,a11 the Blood of Chrifl purge your confeienees from dead Works to ferve the living God? Our vivification is according to the degree of our mortification, and therefore great deadnefs argueth the prevalency of forme carnal diltemper. 5. Live much in doing good: The intermitting of the exercise of our love to God, maketh concupifcence,or the carnal love, to gather ftrength 5 and when men are not ta- ken up with doing good, they are at leafure for temptations to entice them to evil ; our lulls have power indeed to ditturb in holy duties, but 'fis when we are remífs and careless; and ufually'tis the idle and negligent who are furprized by fin, as David walk- ing on the Terras, 2 Sam. r I. 2. Diabolus'quem non invenit occupate,», &c. I will dole all with thefe two remarks, I. That 'tis more fweet and pleafant to mortifie your lefts, than to grat ie them: Stolen waters are tweet, and bread eaten in fecret is pleafant; but the dead are there, Prov, 9.17. fo Job 20. 12, 13, r g. Tho wickednefs be Tweet in his mouth, tho he hide it under his tongue, though he fpare it, and forfake it not, but keep it full within his mouth, yet his meat in his bowels, it is the gallof afps within him. Sin is bit a poifoned Morfel ; Mortifi- cation is not pleafant in its felt, yet in its fruits and effehis 'tis rewarded with joy, and more occations of thanksgivings we fhall have, Rom. 7. 24, 25. Oh wretched man that I am, who (hall deliver me from the body of this death! 1 thank God through Jetr Chrifi our Lord. 2. If you enter not into a war with fin, you enter into a war with God; (hall fin be your enemy, or God ? the Eternal Living God? Ezek. 24..14. Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands be firongin the days that 1(hall deal with thee z I the Lord have fpoken it, and will do it. SR2 SER;