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T32 S E R M O Ill S upon Serin. XIX SERMON XIX. ROM. VIII. 13. . If ye through the fpirit do mortifie the deeds of the body_._._ 6 C T. That in mortifying of fin, we and the Spirit mu fl concur. Here I (hall handle, I. The ,manner of thisCo.operatian. 2. Thanecety of it. 1. To fate the manner of this Cooperation. Firft, We muff know what is meant by the Spirit ; 'tis put either for the Perlon of the Ho- ly Ghoff,or for his Gifts and Graces, the new Creature, or the Divine Nature wrought in us. The Perlon of the Holy.Ghofl, Matth. 28. 19. Baptize all nations in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft.4 The new Nature, John 3.6. That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. The former it here.intended,,the uncreated Spirit or Author of Grace, called the Spirit of Chrifi, v. I t. which leadeth and guideth us in all our ways, v. 14. which witneffeth to us,v. 16. 'Aura 7d xnvo. 2. The Spirit is the Author or principal Agent in this work: For he doth renew and fanlifie us 5 we are merely pafve in the firft infufion of Grace, Ezek. 35. 25. I will fprinlfle clean water upon you, and you (hall be clean from all your filthinefe, Eph. 2.. _. ran that were dead in trefpaffés and fns`; yet now hash he quickned ; but afterwards we cleanle our felves, I Pet. I. 22. Seeing ye have purified your fouls in obeying the truth through the fpirit. Firft he worketh upon us as Objeffs ; then by us as Inflruments ; So that we concur not as co-ordinate caufes, but as fubordinate Agents; being firft puri- fied and fanftified by him, we purge out fin yet mor e and more. 3. Tho the fpirit be the principal Author, yet we mutt charge our felves with the duty ; it is our works they deffroy all humane induftry and endeavour, that make mortification to be nothing elfe but an apprehenfion that fin is already (lain by Chriff ; no, 'tis charged on us, Col. 3. 5. Mortifie therefore your memberswhich are upon earth. And 'tis our a&, or elle wecan have nocomfort in it, Gal. 5. 24. They that are Chrifis have crucified the flefh with the affeliions and lulls thereof: and 2 Cor. 7. t. Let us cleanfi our, felves from allfilthi- nefs of "eftsand fpirit. Under the Law the Leper was firft to be cleanfed by the Prieft, and afterwards to wafh himfelf in running- water, and thave his hair, Levit. 14.8. Af- ter being fprinkled with the Priell, the neceflary ceremony, he himfelf was to wafh : The Ceremonies which the Prieff ufed are confiderable, therefore I {hall explain them a lit - tle.TwoSparrows were to be taken,and one of them killed in an earthen vefl el over run- ning water,and the other after he was dipped in the blood of the fparrow that was to be killed,let Toole in the open field, to fly up in the air as it were in thefight of God ; there was a notable Myllery couched under this Type ; for the bird killed over the running water fignified the death of drift, accompanied with the Sanctification of the Spirit, typed by the running water, the only means to cleanle us from our Leprofie 3 and the bird that was let go alive having his wings fprinkled with blood, fignifieththeInter. ceffion of Chrilt, who is gone with blood to the Mercy.-Seat; and we are told that Chrift came not by Water only, but by Water and Blood : No other Bath for fpiritnal Lepro- fie, but Water and Blood, the Merit of Chrifts Sacrifice and Intercedion ; and the Spirit of Grace to heal our natures; but after all this, the man was to walls himfelf; which figured