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Ver. i 3: the 8th Chap ter to the R OM ANS. 13'' and the revolt of the paffions, and our corrupt inclinations, when temptations affault us ; fo that unlefs we have feafonable relief, how Coon are weovertaken, or overbore! Adam had habitual Grace,but gave out at the fire affault :A City befteged,unlefs it be relieved; compoundeth and yeildeth; fo without the fupply of the fpirit, we cannnt (land out ici the hour of trial, Eph. 3. 16. That hewonldgrant you according to the riches of his glory, to be firengthned withmight by his fpirit in the inner man. Secondly, The neceffity of this Concurrence and Co- operation. N. Of the Spirt with us; 2. We by the Spirit. 1. Of the fpirite work : we cannot without the fpirit, mortifie the deeds of the body. I. From the fiate of the perfon who is to be renewed and healed. A (inner lying in à flare of defeftion from God , one that bath loft original Righteoufnefs, averle from God, yea an enemy to him, prone to all evil, weak, and dead to all fpiritual good, and how can Inch an one renew and convert himfelf? There is no found part left in us to mend the reft : 'Tis true he bath reafon left, and Come confufed notions and apprehen- lions of good and evil, but the very apprehenfions are maimed and imperfect and we often call evil good, and put good for evil,lfa. 5. 20. However'tochufe the one and leave the other, that is not in their power. We may have tome Toole delires of fpiritual fa- vours, efpeciallÿ as apprehended under the quality of a felicity or natural good, and as feparated from the means, Numb. 23. 1 o. O that I might die the death of the righteous I and my la1á endmight be like theirs. They may long for the death of the Righteous, tho loath to live their life ; but their delires are neither truly fpiritual, nor ferions, nor con- fiant, nor laborious; fo that if we confider what man is in his natural eftate, blind in his mind, perverfe in his will, rebellious in his affe &ions -, this work can only be wrought but by the Spirit of God. Will anature thát is wholly carnal,ever refill and overcome the flefh ? But fo we are by 'nature, John 3. 6. Can flefb defiroy felf ? Can a man of himfelf be brought to abhor what he dearly loveth ? And heyhat drinketh in iniquity like water,be brought to loathe 6n, and expel,and drive it from him? On the other fide, will he be brought to love what heabhorreth`? There is enmity to the Lawof God in a carnal heart, till grace remove it, Rem. 8. 7: Can we that are worldly, and wholly go- verned by fenfe, look for all our happinefs in an unfeen world, till we receive another Spirit ? The Scripture will tell you, no, .r Cor. 2. 12, 14. Now we have received not the fpirit of the world, bet the Spirit which is of God, that we may know the things that are freely given no of God ; but the natural man receivethnot the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolifhnefi unto him; neither can he know them,becaufe they arefpiritnally difèern- ed; and /Pet. 1. 9. He that lacketh thefe things, is blind,and cannotfee afar of What man of his own accord will deny prelent things, and lay up his hopes in Heaven ? Can a ftony heart of its felf become tender, or a dead heart quicken its felf, or a filthy heart cleanfe its felf; bring a clean thing out of an unclean? it cannot be. 2. The honour of our Redeemer requireth that our whole and intire recovery to God, fbould be afcribed to him. Not part only, as our freedom from guilt, while the power of fin is fubdued, and broken by our felves. Renewing Grace is his gift, as well as reconci- ling Grace; and we can no more convert our felves to God, than we can reconcile on felves to him ; both go together, and both are obtained by the fame merit, and both are received from the fame hand, Aft. q. 31. Rim bath God exalted with bis right hand to be a Prince, and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Ifrael, and remii n of fins ; and 1 Cor. 6. i I. And filch were Tome of you, but ye are wafhed, butye arefanctif ed, butye are juff>jed in the name of our Lord lefts, and by the fpirit of our God. As by the venue of his blood and fufferings he reconciled us to God ; fo by the Almighty Power of his Grace, he doth cure and heal our natures, and imprint Gods Image upon our fouls. The work of Redemption would have ceafed for ever if Chrift had not paid our ranfom for us, Pfal. 49. 8. So the work of Renovation, Job 14.4. Who can bring a clean thing out of an un- titan ? Not one. Surely Chrifi bath purchafed this grace, and purchafed it into his own hands, not into anothers; and fendeth forth his conquering and prevailing fpirit to bring back the fouls of men to God ; this work mutt not be difparaged nor looked upon as a low, natural, common thing ; for this is to letTen the benefit of the new Creation, which is fo much magnified in Scripture. 2. The r ecety of our Co- operation, if we by the fpirit. T. We may. 2. We muff. I. Ws