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136 S E R 1l%f 0 N S upon Serm. XIX. 1: We may : God hath given us gifts which are not in vain, the new nature or prin- ciple of Grace infufed into us, all which tend to weaken and mortifie fin, As 15. g. Pu- rifying their hearts by faith : Hope, r John. 3. 3. Be that hath this hope in him, purifleth himfelf as Chrifi ispure : Love, which looketh backward or forward, teacheth us to deny all ungodlinefs and worldly lu(is, Tit. 2. ?r, 12, 13, 14. So' that we may, or can, if we be not wanting to our felves, do fomething to the crucifying of the flefh ; certainly after Regeneration, we are or may be a&ive ; otherwife there would be no difference be- tween the renewed and the carnal ; and fomeof Gods bell gifts would be in vain; you are to improve the death of Chrift to imbitter fin to you by his fufferings, to improve the Grace received, pray for the fupply of the fpirit, to retrench the .provifions of the flefb, towalk as in the fight of God, and prepare for a better world, to maintain a con - ftant confli &with fin, and watch over all your ways : There are means of Grace ap- poinred to weaken fin, as the Word, and Sacraments, and many Providences, whichmight be of great ufe to you, if you did improve them. 2. We muff : For two Keafons, 1. That God may apply himfelf to us in our way. 2. That we may apply ourfelves to God, and meet. him in his way. 1. That God may apply himfelf to us in our way. God being our Creator, Both pre - ferve the liberty of his workmanfhip, he applieth himfelf to every creature according to the nature of it, foasto improve it, not deffroy it; he offered] no violence to our natural faculties, but fuper- addeth grace ; draweth, that we may run, Cant. 1.4. Not hoifed up, as dead things by Pulleys and Engines ; the will is not compelled, but overcome by the fweet efficacy of Grace; being a &ed by God,we aft under God ; that is, by our own voluntary motion, and in a way of operation proper to, us : I fay, God influenceth all things according to their natural inclination; he inlightneth by and with the Sun, burn - eth by and with the fire ; reafoneth with manta &s neceffarily with neceffary caufes, and freely with free caufes, draweth us with the cords of a man, Hof. '11. 4. Now we per- vert this order, if we lie upon the bed of cafe, and cry, Chrift mull: do all ; Chrift that doth all for you, doth all in you, and by you; he propoundeth rafons which we mull confider, and fo betake our felves to a godly conne; he (beweth us our loft eflate, the poffibility of Salvation by Chrift, fweetly inviting us to accept of Grace, that he may pardon our fins, fan&ifie our natures, and lead us in the way of holinefs to eternal life. 2. That we may meet with God in his way ; He bath appointed certain duties. to con- vey and apply this Grace; we are to lie at the Pool, till the waters be flirted; to conti- nue our attendance upon God with all diligence and ferioufnefs, till be giveth grace, Mar. 4. 24. And he faid unto them, Tale heed what you hear : with what meafure ye mete, it ¡hall be meafured toyou; and unto you that hear, ¡ball more be given. God will have Be- lievers beftir and put forth themfelves, and he will help them in and by their own endea vours:We mutt not idlely think that Grace will drop to us out of the Clouds; he was an evil and a (loathful fervant, that did not improve his Talent: To negle& duty, is to re. fill Grace, and to run away from our ftrength : God bath promifed to be with us, while we are doing ; therefore we are to wait for this power in the ufe of all holy means, that our corruption may be fubdued and mortified. U S E is to exhort, with all diligence,to fet about the mortifying the deeds of the bo- dy, by the Spirit. Two Things I Ihall prefi you to : e. Improve the death of Chriff. 2. A right carriage towards the fpirit. r. Improve the death of Chrift ; For the term, Mortifie, or Crucifie, often ufed in this matter, refpe &s Chrifls death ; and every where the Scripture flteweth that the death of Chrift is of excellent ufe for the mortifying of fin ; I (hall tingle out a few places, Gal. 2.20. 1 am crucified with Chrifi. Three Propofitioas included : r. Chrifi cruci- fed. 2. Paul crucified. 3. With Çhrifi. It doth not imply any fellowibip with him in the ails of his Mediation, there Chrift was alone;only that the effe &s of his death were accomp tithed in him, a participation of the benefits of his Mediation, fo Rom 6.6. Know- ,