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V er. t 3.... the 8th Chapter to the ROM AN S. t 37 knowing this, that our old man it crucified with Chrifi ' that the body of kn may be d f1royed, that henceforth we fhould not ferve fin. Then was there a foundation laid for the de- ftrullion of fin, when Chrift died 5 then was the merit interpofed, or price paid, and the obligation laid upon us to mortifie it : Something there was to be done on Gods part, the body of fin was to be deftroyed, which intimateth the communicating of hit fpirit of grace teeweaken the power and life of 1m: and fomething done on out part,thit henceforth we fhould not ferve fin. There was à time when we ferved fin, but being converted, we muff change mailers, and betake our felves to another fervice, which will be more comfortable and profitable to us. One place more, 1 Pet. 4. I. For as much as Chrifi path fujèred for us in the flefh : arm your felverfikewife with the fame mind o for he that bath fuffered in the flefh, bath ceafed from fin. That is, fine Chrift bath fuffered for you,you mull follow and imitate him in fuffering alto, or dying with him, namely, in dying to fin, as he dyed for fin : or mortifying our lulls and paffions.For o` aaSár «eana,one that path fuffered in the flefh, or is crucified in his carnal nature, it bath not refpeá to fuffering af$i &ions, but mortifying fins 5 for 'cis prefently added, He bath ceafed from fin, given over that courfe of. life 5 fo that he ihould no longer live the reft of his life in the flea), to the hafts of men,but the will of God. He infcrreth the obligation of this correfpondence and conformity,fromChrifrs dying.From all thefe placer we collect : t. 'Tis an obligation. This-Was Chrifls end, and we mutts not put our Redeemer to game, t John 3. 8. For this purpofe the fon of God was manifèfied, that he might defiroy the works of the Devil. That the intereft of the Devil might be deftroyed in us, and the interefl of God fet up with glory and triumph 5 (hall l go about to fruftrate his in tention? or make void the end of his death? cherish that which Chrift came to dëllroy? tye thole cords the falter, which he came to unloofe ? By profeflìng his name, we bind our felves to die to fin, Rom. 6. 2. Haw /hall we. that are dead to fin, live any longer therein ? not ab impoffibili, but ab incongruo. 2. That the death of Chrift was a lively and efetdual pattern of our dying to fin. For the Glory of God, and our Salvation, Chrift dyed a painful, fhameful, aceurfed deaths now we mutt crucifie fin, Gal. g. 24. Be crucified to the world, Gal. 6. 14. That is to fay, Chrift denied himfelffor us, and we mull deny our felves for him; he fuffered pain for us, that we fhould willingly digest the trouble of Mortification, and tuff r in the ieflt,in our carnal nature, as he did in the human nature. 1. The death of Chrifi was an ali of felf- denyal 5 he pleafed not himfelf, Rom. 15. ,3. Minded not the intereft of that nature he had alfumed 5 parted with his Life in the Flower of his Age, when molt caufe to love it: And will you part with nothing, make it your bufinefs to p'eale the flefh, and gratify the flefh ? he loved you, and gave himself for you, and will not you give up your tufts. 2. The death of Chrifi was an all of pain and farrow : of all deaths, crucifixion is the molt painful, and lhamefül. Sinful nature is not extinguifhed in us without trouble 5 as fin is rooted in,felf denyal is a check to it5as this fell- love is mainly a love of pleafure, or the delight we take in fin, fo the pains of Christs death check it : (hall we wallow in flefhly delights, when Chrift was a man of forrows? Chrifts fufferings are the heft glafs, wherein to view fin 5 will you take pleafure in that which colt him fo dear ? he was mocked, fpit upon, buffetted, he bare the fhame due to our vain converfations. A Malefaflor was preferred before him. Therefore when you remember Christs death, you learn how to deal with fin 5 the Jews would not hear of Chrits being King; Away with him, we have no King but Celr : fuch an Holy indignation fhould there be a in a renewed foul, Rom. 6. 12. Let not fin reign therefore inyour mortal bodies,that ye fhould obey it in the luffs thereof. Let it not King it, we have no King but Chrift. 3. 'Tomas a price paid, that we might have grace. Every true Christian is a partaker of the fruits of Chrïfts death 5 and one fruit is, that we might die unto fin, r Pet. '2. 24. Who his own fèlf, bare ourfins in his own body on the tree,that we being dead unto fin, fhould live unto righteoufnefs.This is communicated to us by the fpirit : he bought fanáification as well as other priviledges, Eph. 5. 25, 26. As Chrift allo loved the Church, and gave himself for it, that he might fanáifie and cleanfe it with the wathing of water by the word. And Titus 2. 14. Who gave himfilf for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purifie unto himflf a peculiar people zealots,. of good works, t Pet. i. 18. Redeemed us from our vain converfations. We are ready to fay, t thall never get rid of this naughty heart, renounce there fenfual and worldly affeetions; our hearts are Yo wedded to the intetelis of the flea) : but 8 So Mat.