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138 S E R M 0 N S upon Serm. XIX. Match. ,g. 26. With God all dings are poffible. 2. Carry it well to the fpirit: I. Believe that the Holy Ghofi is your fgnClifyer, and refign up your fdves to him as rich. that he may recover your fouls to God": This is but fulfilling our baptifmal.vow, Mar. 28. t9. Go baptize all nations, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy- Ghofl. To God the Father as your Lord and happinefs, to Chrft as your 1Zedemer and Saviour; to the Holy - Ghoft as your guide, comforter and fandifier. We renew this content in the Lords Supper, that we may bind our (elves the fatter to him, to fubmit to his fpiritual Difcipline, that ourcure my be wrought in us. 2.ro11 maß obeyhis f nfdifying motions, for otherwife this refignation was in vain; there- fore we mutt faithfully endeavour by the power and help which he giveth us, to morn tifie fin : we mutt ftrive againtt fin, an;ij, we mutt ftrive with them; to frrive and refill him, argueth great prophanefs, Gen. 6. 3. Aids 7. 51. Not to ftrive with him, much neglect and lazinefs; you muff chive with your hearts, when the fpirit is ftriving with you, and take the feafon of his fpecial help. 'Tis not. at our command, for the wind bloweth as it lifteth;take it when you have it : 'Tis an offence to the fpirit, when the fleth is obeyed before him : men are eafily intreated by fin , but deaf to his mo- tions. 3. U fe the appointed means by which the fpirit worketb : There are means of obtain- ing the fpirit at fief, by the Word and Prayer. The fpirit is conveyed by Come Dottrine for Gods operative Power is applyed to man as a reafonable creature, not for need. City. For the Word, Gal. 3. 2. Received ye the the fpirit by the works of the law, or the hearing of faith. So for Prayer if not for friendfhips fake, be. Luke's 1. 8, 13. yet becaufe of his importunity. If ye being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, bow much more (hall your heavenly father give the holy fpirit to them that ask it ? Beg it of God, upon the account of Chrift, Titus 3. 5. 6. But we fpeak now of another thing, not the gift of the fpirit at firf, but the fupply of the fpirit. 'Tis got- ten the fame way ; the fpirit joyneth his power and efficacy with the proper intfi- tuted means, the Word, which is the fword of the fpirit, Eph. 6. 17. This fword was made by the (pint. Holy menfpake as moved by the Holy Ghofi. Ufed by the fpirit to vanquifh Satan, t John z. 14. And the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. 'Tis tired for the defence of the better part ; the fword of the flefh is the excefftvelove of pleafures, fome carnal bait. And by it the power 6f the holy ghofi came upon us, Ads to. 44. While Peter yet fpake thefe words, the Holy Ghofl fell on all them that heard the word. A fpirit of fobtiety, godlinefs, meeknef, and the fear of the Lord. We cannot make ufe of this fword, without the fpirit ; r Pet. i. 22. Seeing ye have purified yourfouls, in obeying the truth through the fpirit. So Sacraments, t Cor. 12. 13. And have been all made to drink into one fpirit. Prayer; looking up to God who helpeth us in our conflicts, openeth their ears to difcipline , and commandeth that they return from iniquity, Job 36. And breaketh the yokelefsdif- pofitibn and oppofitíon in our hearts. 4. To forbear thofe wilful fins, which grieve the fpirit, Eph. 4. 30. Grieve not the fpirit. t Thef 5. 19. Quench not the fpirit ; do not provoke him to withdraw his affittance from us; as David was fenfible of his mifery Pfa. S t. to, l t, 12. Create in me a clean heart, D God,and renew a right fpirit within me;caff me not away from thy prefence,and take not thy holyfpirit from me : reflore unto one the joy of thy falvation, and uphold me by thy free fpirit. SER-