Ver. 14, 15. xxvth Chapter of St. MATTHEW. 85 Journey, then he beflowed his Goods to his Servants. As Elijah let fall his Man- de, when he was tranflated ;'fo did Chrifibeflow his Gifts and the Graces of his Spirit. Eph. 4. 8. He afcended up on high, and gave gifts to men. There is a three - föld reafon of this : Erfl The bellowing of the Spirit was neceffary, to fupply the want of his bodi- ly prefence. fohn 16. 7. Neverthelefs, I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away : for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you ; but if I depart, I will fend -him unto you. While Chrift was with them, the Spirit was not given ; but when his bodily pretence was removed, then cometh the Comforter : God will not with -hold what is ufeful. If he take away outward Comforts, he will give us the Spirit. Secondly, 'Twas fit he fhould Enter upon his ]kingdom, before his Members par- ticipate fo largely of his Fulnefs : Sohn 7. 38. Before his Incarnation Grace was given upon truft, therefore more fparingly; afterwards coming in the ffefh, the Difciples were dull in comparifon of what they were *hen the price was paid : He was entered into poffeffion of his Dignity, had taken a&ual poffeffion of his Kingdom; then he powreth out the Gifts and Graces of the Spirit, that the Glo- rious Eilate of his Church and Subje&s, might not go, before, but come after the Glorious Elate of their King and Head. ` Thirdly, To Phew that in his Exaltation, he is Rill mindful of his Servants. As loon as warm in the Mediatorial Throne, he fendeth down Gifts and Graces. Ati. 2. 33. Being at the right hand of the Father exalted, he bath flied forth this which ye now fee and hear. Prefently he beginneth to chew for what reafon he is gone to Heaven, powerfully to apply the work of Redemption. I VS E. Hath Chrift appointed to men their Work? it.ihould quicken us to keep the Charge of the Lord. Gen. 5o. 16. Thy Father did command before he dyed. If we have any refpe& to the memory of our Lord departed from us, any Ex- pe&ation of his. coming again, fo let us be faithful in the work appointed us to do : He infiru&ed his Apoflles in all the Duties and Priviledges of the Kingdom of God'; and they have.infiru&ed us, and you muff anfiver it to Chrift at his coming, therefore be diligent in glorifying God in your places. 2. As he gave Gifts : Look upon Chrilt as Exalted at right hand of God to difpenfe the. Gifts and Graces of the Spirit, for the bringing about the Salvo tion of all that come to God by him. Iis faid'a Kings 2. 9, ro. That if.Elifba fhould fee his Mailer afcending, he fhould have his .lpirit doubled upon him : 'Tis true here, if by Faith we look to Chrift afcended, his Spirit in Tome mea- fure will come upon us, we have free Liberty and Accefs to him, to enjoy him for ever. 3. The Mafíer in the Parable giveth not the fame Meafure of Talents to each Servant: Chrift giveth not a like meafure of Grace to every one ; but to fome more, to force lets ; as he thinketh Expedient : here are five Talents , and two Talents, and one Talent, given to each Servant, as there was a different mea- fete given to Timothy and Dema. Do't. III. That it pleafeth the Lord to difpenJe his Gifts varioufly among his Peo- ple ; to force more, to force fewer Talents. See this is often inculcated in the Scripture. Rom. 12. 6. Having then Gifts, differing according to the Grace given to us ; I Cor. 7. 7. Every man hath hie proper Gift, one after this manner, another after that. God giveth to every one in the Church a meafure, and Portion of Gifts as it pleafeth him. So a Cor. le. r t. All thefe things worketh one and the fame Spirit, which is the proper Seat of this Do&rine. So Eph. 4.7. To every one of us is given Grace, according to the Meafure of the Gift of Chrig. So I Pet.-4.1o. At every one bath received the Gift, fo mi- Hiller the fame one to another, ae good Stewards of the Grace of God. ,I have brought all thefe Scriptures to Phew you that this is a thing worthy to the taken Notice of, and ferioufly improved by us. I fhall give you Tome Obfervation.r concerning this Diverfity and Variety. a. That every one bath fame Talent or other to improve for God. He that had leafs, had one; and the leaft gift is compared to* Talent : there is none of Gods Peo- ple.