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Ver.. 13.: the 8th Chapter to the R OM A N S. 145 them becaufe of the provoking of his tons, and of his daughters, God doth not make little reckoning of fin, he doth not overlook it, why fhould we? 2. Watchfidnefi not only again/ left aeis, but lifts; not only lulls,but tendencies,efpeciafly an ill habit of ioul, pride, worldlinefs, or fenfuality, Mark S. 37. What I fay unto you, I fay unto all, Watch. 3. With watching mufi go prayer, Matth. 26. 41. Watch and pray, that ye enter not in. to temptation 5 the fpirit indeed is willing, but the flefb it weal!. For God is our pre - ferver ; we watch that we may not be carelefs ; and we pray, that we may not be felf- confident. . 4. Keep up heart-government, Pro. 25. ,28. He that rnleth not his fpirit, is like a city, whofe wall is broken down. A thoroughfare for temptations, open to every comer. Unbridled paffions and affeEtions will loon betray us to evil, if anger, envy, grief, fear, be not under refiraints, as in a.Town that is broken dowp, and without walls; the inhabitants may go, and come at pleafure, ni ght and day; there is nothing to hinder, no gates,no bars, friend or foe; there is nothing to hinder egret's or regrets; fo it is with an ungoverned foul. 5. Live always as in the fight of God, John 3. Eph. t t. He that doth evil, bath not feen God, job 3 t. 3. Dotb not he fee my ways, and count all my fieps ? A férious fight of God, is a great check and -aw to fin ; will he force the &ucen before my face ? Shall we fin, when God looketh on? 6. Serious covenanting with God, ordevotiug our films to him,t Pet. 4. 12. For as much then as Chrifi bath fuffered for no in the flefh; arm your 'elves likewife with the fame mind; for he that hash fsffered in the fl fh, 'bath_ceafed from fn, that he fhould no longer live the ref of his time in the flefh, to the Wit of men, but to the will of God; and. Rom. 6.13.. Neither yeildye your members as infiruments of unrighteoufnef unto fin; but yeildyour frver unto God, as thofe that are alive from the dead, andyòur members as infl'rsements of righteouf- nefs unto God. . 7. Humiliation for fin ; this checketh the pleafurè we take in it ; this is begun in fear* continued in (harm, and carried on further by forrow, and ended' in indignation ; we fear it as damning; we are afhamed of it as defiling ; we forrow for it, as 'cis án aâ . of unkindnefs againft God ; and we have indignation againft it, as unfuitable toout glorious hopes, and prefent intereft, Ifa. 30. 22. And thou (halt call them away as a menflruons cloath; thou (halt fay unto it, Get ye hence, Hof, 14. 8. Ephraim /hall fay, What have I any more to do with idols ? This is the fouls expulfive faculty. 8. Than/oefulnefs for the grace received, t Sam.' 25. 32. Bled be God, that kept me from'bedding of innocent blood, Gen. 20. 6. I withheld thee from finning againfb me- Dif- ' appointments of providence, reftraints of grace, the power of faxing grace, Rom. 7.25. I thank God through :efus Chrifi our Lord. 9. ,Diligence in Gods work; ftanding -pools are apt to putrifie ; when men are not taken up for God; they are at leafure for evil, 2 -Sam. It. 2. Anc( it came to pafs in the eveningtide, that David arofe from his bed, and walked upon the roof of the Kings. haute, and from the roof he law a woman walking her Pelf; and the woman was very beauti- ful to look upon, and the king feat for her, &c. to. The remembrance of the other wprld, whither you are haftening, t Pet. 2. II, I b frech you as firangers and pilgrims, ábfain from flefhlylrifls, whic h war againft the foul. You need not long for the Hein puts of Egypt, when you are going to a laud that floweth with Milk and Honey. 8T S E R°.