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146 S E R M O N Suon Serm. XXI. SERMONXXI. ROM. VIII. 14. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, are the Sons of God. tAtigt H E S E Words are given as a Reafon of what went before 5 that which immediately went before, is a Promife of Eternal Life to thole Steil 4 - who by the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body. The Reafon may be fuppofed to relate to the Promife, or the Qualification : Firfi, to the reward promifed : Thus they (ball live in eternal happinefs and glory, for they are the Sons of God 5 if we be children, God will deal with us as Children, bellow the inheritance upon us, and there- fore live. Secondly, the 2walifcation ; They do by the Spirit morti- fie the deeds of the body ; the Spirit of God fuftaineth a double Relation, as our San- itifier, and our Comforter 5 the former is proper to this place, he is our Sanétifier, either with refpe& to the fiat infuftonof Grace, or the continual dire &ion and ordering of Grace fo infufed : Now this mull be interpreted with refpeet to the twofold work of a Chri(lian, the mortifying of fin, or the perfe&ing of holinefs; his reftraining or inviting Motions : The firit belongeth to the one, the fecond to the other ; if we obey the Spi- rits motions in the curbing and reftraining evil, and fubduing our pronenefs thereunto, then we (ball live 5 For as many as are led, &c. He proveth it a fgno notificativo ; this being fed and guided by the Holy Ghoft, is an infallible proof of our Adoption, or being taken into Gods Family; For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, lc. Obferve here, 1. Afore Note and qualification, as many as are led by the Spirit. 2. A bleffed Priviledg, are the Sons of God. In the former, r. The Note its felf, or the Duty which evidenceth our claim, being led. 2. The Vniverfallity of it, as many. 'Tis to be under(tood inclojve and exclufive 5 they, and none but they : There is in the Propofition that which they call jmplex con - verjo, all that are led, are the Sons of God 5 and backward,all that are the Sons of God, are led by the Spirit of God. Doit. That all that are led by the Spirit of God, may know and conclude themfelves to be Children of God. The &taliftcation. I (hall firfi explain 2. The Priviledg. t. The qualification : We are faid to be led by the Spirit. It muftbe under(tood afive- ly, with refile& to his dire&ion, and paf ively on our parts as we fubmit to that Diretti- on : The Spirit is our Guide, and we mull obey his Motions. e. The Spirit performeth the Office of a Guide and Leaderto the Godly. The Spirit gi- veth us Life, Motion and Dire &ion; thefe three things are infeparable in Nature and Grace, Life, Motion and Conduit : The fame calif-es wich make us live, make us ait. The Creature dependeth upon God in his Motion,as well as his being, Ail. 17.28. And the Regulation of our Motions belongeth to the fame Power; 'tis to in Nature, and 'cis much more fo in Grace, and they fucceed in this order; 'Lis a work that followeth Re- generation :