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144$ S E RM0 NS Seim. XXI, fing themfelves to be wife, they became fools : And tho the people of God have greater advantages by that knowledg they have from the Scripture, whereby they are made wife unto falvation, and get more by G1ds putting his Laws into their minds in Regene- ration, whereby they become light in the Lord; yet being not impeccablc,and having ma- ny mixtures of fin yet remaining in every faculty, in particular cafes are apt to err, and turn out of the way, being in part ignorant andheedlefs, and too often blinded by their ownrebellious lufts and paffions : Therefore they deface that God would not leave them to themfelves,but warn them of theirfnares and dangers, that they mayflill keep the path oflife without defe&ion or turning afide, . Pfàl. 119. 133. Order my 37ep.r in thy word; and let not any one iniquityhave dominion over me. They would not only have their path right, but their Reps ordered ; as not their general courfe wrong ( as thofe who walk in the way of everlafting perdition ) fo not a fiep awry ; they would not miti the way to Heaven, either in whole or in part : Men that have filch a tendernefs upon them, fee a continual need of Gods Counfel, which carelefs and flight fpirits do not ; they would not be corrupted by their covetoufnefs, or fenfuallity, or ambition ; there' things blind us in particular cafes, tho they fee their way, or know their duty in the general : Therefore they need the confiant affiftance of the fpirit to refcue them from the power of every known fin, and to keep them in exalt Obedience; for all our general light, pride or paffion, or fenfual and worldly inclinations,may make us err. 2. That our light may be perfreafve, and overcome temptations and inclinations to fin Alas! how weak are our arguings, and how eafily are our confiderations of our .duty overborn, when a temptation Pets our tufts a work, and come on upon us with frefh firength ! We fee what we fhould do, but yet we are carried away by our rebellious affelions to do the contrary , or through (loàth and negligence`bmit to do that which confcience calleth for, at out hands ; Poor truth is taken captive, and held prifoner, de. tamed in unrighteoufnefs, Rom: t. 18. It may talk like a man in chains, but bath no power, can do nothing to break the force of the temptation ; but now the fpirits lead- ing is lively, and effeltual ; to be led, is to be excited, moved, ftirred forward, yea, ef- feltually inclined to do thofe things which pleafe God ; he leadeth us not only movendo, by warning us of our duty, or inlightning our minds; but movendo, by inclining our hearts : The Holy Gholt doth inlighten our minds, and warm our affe&ions, and purge away their impurities; we are moved, that we maymove; and we receive the impreffìon of his Grace, that we may a &, and do the things he inclineth us unto ; this powerful leading, the Saints beg, Pial. r ig. 34, 35. dive me underfianding, and I (hall keep thy lam ; yea, I fhall obferve it with my whole heart. Make me to go in the path of thy command- ments; for therein do I delight. Gods teaching begets Obedience ; and he fheweth us the path of life, and .he maketh us to go in it : 'Tis filch direítion that giveth ftrength, that exciteth the fluggith will, and breaketh the forcé of corrupt inclinations; it removeth the darknefs which corruption and fin have brought upon the mind, and maketh us plia- ble and ready to obey; yea, it giveth ndt only the will, but the deed : In (hors, it en- gageth us in a- watchful, careful, uniform, and Confiant Obedience. 4. The nature or manner how the ¡girls performeth the office of a guide, er leader to us. He guideth us, partly, by his word; and partly, by his infpirations and motions, or the light of internal Grace : By his Word, that eontaineth the matter of his guidance and di- re &ion, Pfal. 119, i o5., Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light amts my path. Mark, there is path, and feet ; not only dire &ion for our general choice and courfe, but our particular aCtions ; and mark alto the notions by which the word is expreffed, lamp, and light : We have the light of the Sun by day, and we make ufe of a lamp or candle by night ; whether it be day or night, in all conditions, as well as in alga &ions, here isa Pure dire &ion; therefore the word is called the Sword of the Spirit; now - this is the light the Spirit maketh ufe of ; partly, the inward infpirations and motions of his grace,that we may have a fpiritual di(cerning, 1 Cor. 2. 14. Befides the outward letter, there waft bean inward light, that the underlianding be opened, as well as the.Scriptures, as Paid of Chrift, Luke 24. 45. That he frrfl opened the Scriptures, and then opened their un- derllandings : Otherwife ourlight is only literal and fpeculative, not operative and effi- cacious. 5. The parts and branches of this leading are two; Firft, His refiraining motions for the niortifying of fin, and fihr inviting motions for the perfe&ing of Holmefs : He teach- eth us, as he leadeth us into all truth, what we are to reje &, what to believe in Religion. Again, what'' is to be leftundone in the pradife of our lives ; and he backeth both.with what we ought to hope and fear after death in the other world. I. Ili,