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V er. 14. the 8th Chapter to the ROMANS. 149 r. Ieidieo'zfiJieth in his reflrainin mitions : For, the mortifying of fin, or the avoiding of in; when we are running into the fnare, he mindeth us of our danger 5 as when any evil habit, or fpiritual difeafe is growing upon our fpirits, or when we are about to do fornething unfeemly and offeefive to God : The fpirit in effe& faith, Oh do not this abominable thing which I hate ! but call out pride, worldlinefs and fenfuality, do not give way to fuck and Etch lulls: The Holy Ghoft is in a fingular manner familiar with Gods people, taking up a place of abode in their hearts, and furnifhing them with fweet and neceffary counfel and advice from time to times therefore he is laid to Drive with us, when he oppofeth himfelf to our corrupt inclinations, Gen. 6. 3. My fpirit fball not always firive withman. He flriveth by inward motions, and checks of confcience, by which he reeked) to humble as forfin,and to reclaim us from fn;if we flruggle againft thefe, we lofe our advantage, Neh. 9. 29, 3o. Thou gavel them elfo thygood fpirit to in- firutt them. Thou teflifiefl againfi them by the fpirit to bring them back to thy law. In thefe and many places, we read of the fpirits guidance. If ye through the fpirit mart fe the deeds of the body- We mull avoid thoCe things hediffwadeth us from. 2. There are his inviting and quicAning motions to bring us on in a way of holinefs, and to perfell: the work of Grace in us, and fit us more for Gods ufe and fervice ; he doth not only dole us at first with Chrift, but is the agent and worker of the life of Chrift within us, to do his work, and maintain his interell, and fanttifre us throughout t As we haveexperience of his reftraining motions, that we may be more and more conform- ed to Gods Bleffed Will, and leek our delight and happinefs in Communion with his Bleffed Self, Pfal. 27. 8, The Lord faid, feel¿ ye my face: and my heart Paid, thy face, Lord, will I feek. God fpeaketh to us by the injeftion of holy thoughts, and the fecret iofpi- rations of his Grace, and we fpeak to God by the inclinations and refolutions of our own fouls : This Dialogue is carried on in foul language ; there needs no audible words between God and the foul ; fo in other places, how often doth he folicite us by his holy motions and infpirations ? the fpirit inclineth and preffeth us to that which is good. 2. As the office of the fpirit is to guide and lead, fo it is our duty to fubmit to his diretïi. onto be led by him.5 That maketh the evidence in the paff ve feule, if we fuffer our felves to be led and guided by him in all things; for otherwife the fpirit worketh on many, but they will not hear 5 they either negleâ, or refill his motions 5 there is a double voice within us, the flefh, and the fpirit ; and mens fpiritual eftate is determined byfub- million and compliance with either, Rom. 8. r. That walknot after the fleJh, but after the fpirit. The flefh is near and dear to us, and very imperious and importunate to be plea - fed; now Come men live in a perleft obedience to the flefh, according to theitjancies and appetites of corrupt nature, denieth it nothing which it craveth at their hands; but there is another voice within us, faying, This is the way, walkin it : Thus you mutt do, if you mean to be happy : Now let us not hear, and páfs by, as if you heard not 5 no, you mull Puffer your felves to be lead and governed by this voice, or this bleffed fpi- rit in all 5 you mull improve his affftance, wait for his approaches, obey his fan&ifying motions, direEt all the a &ions of your lives according to his guidance and counfel; that is your evidence. r. I fball urge it in conformity to Chill. There is a perfelt likenefs between Chriftians and Chrift 5 all the Priviledges which Chrift had,are conveyed to us by thefpirit : If Je- fus be the natural Son of the Father, the Christian is his Adopted Son,Joh. 20. a7. If p- lus be the heir of all things, a Chriftian is a coheir with Chrift, Rom. a 17. If Jefus be innocent, the Chriftian is jullifìed; if Jefus be born of the fpirit, or framed by the . Holy Ghoft , the Chriflian is regenerated, born alto of Water, and the Holy Ghoft, John 3. ;. If Jefus be evidenced to be the Son of God by the coming down of the Ho- y Ghoft upon him ; the fpirit beareth witnefs with our fpirits, that we are the Sons of God'; Jefus was led by the fpirit continually, fo we ; if he retire into the defart, if he come back again into Galilee, he is Dill led by the fpirit, Matth. 4. Jefus was led up of the fpirit into the wildernefs ; the Holy Ghoft aiding him in that conflict; when 'twas en- ded, Luke 4. 14. Jefus returned in the power of the fpirit into Galilee 5 that is,to preach, or to execute his Prophetical Office; if he call out Devils, Matth. 12. 14. 1 tafi out devils by the fpirit of God. Thus 'twas with Quiff ; certainly therefore whatever deign we conceive, whatever resolution we take, whatever enterprize we would bring to pal, we are always bound to depend upon the Holy Ghoft, the fpirit mutt Dill lead us and tttove us in all our operations. 2. T6