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150 S E K Nf Q N S upon Serm. XXI. 2. The great mifchief which will enfue, if we obey not his fanflifying motions, and in- ffirations ; you will refit the fpirit and vex him, ¡fa. 63. to. They rebelled, and vexed his holy fpirit. And therefore he turn ed to be their enemy. The other exprèffìon, Eph. 4. 30. Grieve not the holy fpirit: HR is grieved when the Beth is obeyed before him; the fpirit fu(taineth a double relation : our San&ifer, and our Comforter ; let us not, refit our fan &ifer, nor grieve our comforter ; furely we fhould not be ungrateful to this Holy Spirit ; if we be Holy, heSan&ifeth us; if free, 'tie he fets us at liberty; if wife, he inlightneth us ; if gatitude cannot prevail, yet our intereft fhould. He is our Comforter, and we blot our evidence, darken his teal, and fo deprive our felves of that. joy and peace which we might have in our fouls, if he were obeyed; there is one great mifchief above this, which God Pets up as adreadful warning for our caution, de- fpighting the fpirit of grace, Heb. io. 29. To refit the fpirit, is dangerous. To refill the Father fpeaking in the law ; to refill the Son fpeaking in the Gofpe], offering our remedy 5 but to refill the Holy-Ghoft, who would help us to accept this remedy, there is no other relief for us, no other divine perfon to give it us. The miffion of thé Holy Ghof is the lati offer for the recovery of mankind; there is nothing more to be exile &ed ; if we fitbmit not to his infpirations, and wilfully refufe to give ear to his counfel, our'fähvutio i- shopelefs. Secondly, let me now open ttriviledgt they are the fans of God]; this priviledg may be confidered, r. As to the real grant on Gods part. 2. As to their own fence of their adoption on the believers part. Firß, As to the real grant on Gods part. It was intended to the ell from all eternity, Eph. 1. 5. Being predefiinated to the adoption of children; In time 'tie brought a- bout by Chrills death, or the work of redemption, Gal. 4. 4, 5. But a&ually infla- ted upon us, when we are regenerated, and do believe, john I. 12, 13. To as mäny as received him,to them gave he power to become the fans of God,eevn to them that believe in his name ; which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flefh, nor of the will if man, but of God. They are born of God, and fo made the foes of God; being called out of nature, to grace, in their effetlual calling, they are made tons and daughters to the molt HighGod ; felt he doth renew their natures, and make them Holy, then reconciled to God as their Father in Chrift; this is the frf: grant. 2. AS to their oren fence of their adoption, that is fpoken of here; they (hew them - felveseto be Gods Children, and fo may know themfelves to be Gods Chil; dren. 1. Recaufe they have the certain evidence, that they are received for children by God, through faith in Chrift ; and that is, holinefa. If our carriage be fuitable to our eftate and priviledges, why fhould we doubt ? Eph. r. 4. 5. Elelïed to be holy, without . blame before him in love, having predefiinated us to the adoption of children. They have the true pledg of Gods love, and that is the. fpirit; and they (hew the true fruit of their love to God, and that is obedience to his fanftifying motions :' they are led by the Spirit, and fo without blame before him in love; as they have a greater meafure of the fruits, fo 'cis every day more clear to us. '2. The fame fpirit that leadeth them, doth litre and afcertain them ; for our fanIlifier is our comforter. And the more a San &ifer, the more a Comforter: firfi in a darlter way, leaving a Child, like impreffion upon them, inclining them to go to God as a Father; tho their adoption be not fo explicite and clear, v. 15. Te have not received the fpirit of bondage again to fear, but the fpirit ofadoption, whereby we cry Aba Father; and Ga1.4. 6. And becaufe ye are foes, God bath feet forth the fpirit of his fon into your hearts, crying Abba bather. The Children of God deal with God as a Father, cry to him as aFather, cannot keep away from him, when they dare not fo exprefly intitlethemfelves his Children. Secondly, in a clearer way, when he manifefs his prefence by ê fupernatural and powerful change wrought in the heart,and difcovered, whereby they conclude their own gracious efface, v. 16. The fpirit its Pelf beareth witnef with our fprits, that we are the children of God: the fpirit helps to difcern his own work, or the image of Chrift trampt upon them, in a fair and bright charafter. 3. This is a great priviledg, that will appear if we confider our prefect relation to God, or our future inheritance. 3. Our