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Çer.14. the 8th Chapter to the ROMANS. 15.1 I. Our prefent relation to God, t John 3. r. Behold what love the father bath fhented us, that we should be called the children of God. We are his Children,and. God is, as our Father, pleafed to own us as his children ; we are not born Con ,but made fo by grace; by nature we are Children of wrath,Eph. 2. 3.The very term adoption implie t h it. A Child by adoption isoppofed to a Child by nature; for men are not faid to adopt their own chil- dren,but (rangers ; now that (hangers and enemies should not only be reconciled, but alfo be called the Eons of God : Oh, what unspeakable mercy is it ! to have the bleffed God, whom we had fo often offended, to become our reconciled Father in Chrift ! it is not an empty title that he affumeth ; but hash more abundant love and tendernel to our welfare than any title can make us underhand. 2. Our future inheritance ; our right floweth from ourfon(hip, Rom. 8. 17. And if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Chrifi. Titus 3. 5, 6, 7. Not by works of righteoufnefr which we have done, brit according to his mercy he faved us by the washing of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghofi, which he bath flied on us a- bandana), through Jesus Chrifi our Saviour. That being juflified by his grace,. we fhould be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life, r Pet. s. 3, 4. Blefed be the God and Father of our Lord Jefas Chrifl, which according to his abundant mercy bath begotten us again to a lively hope, by the refurreelion of JefusChrifl from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible,and undefiled, that fadeth not away ; referved in Heaven for you. Luke 12.32. Fear not little flock, tit your Fathers good pleasure to give you a Kingdom. What may we not expe& from the bounty offuch a Father ? Surely he that would pardon his ene. mies, will blefs his Children, and that for evermore. 1. U S E. Is to inform us, t. of the nature of the fpirit's candid ;.'tis Tweet, but powerful; it accomplilheth its effe&, without offering violence to the liberty of man ; we are not drawn , taken, or driven as beaus, but led, guided to happinefs ; not forced thither again( our wills, or without our confent ; the inclinations of man are free, there is not a violent impullion, but a Tweet guidance and dúe &ion; yet he is fubje& to the leading, government, and drawing of the Spirit. 2. It informeth us of the great condefcenf,n of God to new creatures. I. In bis care over them. They are led by thefpirit, during their pilgrimage ; well guided, and well guarded,Heb. 1. 54. Are they not all minijlring fpirits, Tent forth to minister for them who ¡ball be heirs of falvation ? They have the fpirit for dire&ion, and the Angels for defence ; their charge, is not cura animaron, ; but cufiodia corpo- ris. . 2. In the great honour he puts upon them, any/ referveth for them. Now thefe are the Children of God ; hereafter they (tall have the inheritance; then is adoption complear; Rom. 8. 23. Even we oar (elves, groan within our folves, waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our bodies. If annihilated after death, or drawn out their life to all eternity upon earth, allowing them fo tolerable contentment, there had been a fa vour,comparing their elate with damned reprobates; but he bath done better for them; having after a Ihort time of tryal and fervice here , appointed endlels joys and pleafures for them, at his right hand for evermore. Now he taketh them into his family, then into his bofom. 2. Ll S E, Is to prefs us to put ourfelves under the condutá and government of the Hoy Spirit ; 'cis implied in our Baptifm, Match. 28. 19. Go therefore, teach, and baptife all nations, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holyghofl. By our exprefs confent, we take God for our Lord and portion ; and Chri( for our Redeemer and Saviour; and the Spirit for our guide, fan &ilïer and comforter. There is all the reafon to prefs us to ir. Fir(, From his excellency; he cannot deceive us, becaufe he is the fpirit of truth. He cannot ingage us in evil, becaufe he is the fpirit of Holinefs,; from his readinefs to do good, Pfa. 25. 9. Good and upright is the Lord, therefore he will teach inners in the wad;; the poor (inner that is weary of his wandring, that is truly humble for his fail- ings, and wandrings, and comes to him for pardon and grace. Secondly, From our necejfìty. Our heedleCs headlong fpirit will Coon tranfport us to force inconveniency, Pro. 3. 5, 6. TrufI in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not on thine own under- !landing : in all thy ways acknowledg him, and he fhall direst thy path ; 'tis the grease( judgment to be given up to our own hearts counfels. Thirdly, From the effilts, the peace and comfort which followeth his guidance, Jer. 6. 16. Stand ye on the ways, and fee and ask for the good old paths, where is the good isy, and walktbere in, and you 'hall find ref/