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Ver. i 5. the 8th Chapter ro the ROM ANS. 159 him : The Spirit of adoption giveth us confidence and boldnefs in prayer, Heb. 4; 16. and Eph. 3. 12. but on the contrary, the fpirit of bondage maketh us hang off from God. As Adam was affraid, and run to the bufhes, Gen. g. 12. and David had a dark and un- comfortable fpirit, and grew thy of God after his fin, Pfd. 32. 3, 4. fain to iffue forth an injun&ion or praftical decree in the Soul to bring his backward heait into his pre. fence, v.5. And Cain went out from the pretence of the Lord of hießs, Gen. 4. 16. as un- able to abide there, where the frequent Ordinances of God might put him in remem- brance of him. And Jam. 2. 29. The Devils believe, and tremble. They abhor their own thoughts of God, as reviving terror in them: The Papifo think it boldnefs to gò to God, withourthe mediation and interceffion of the Saints : The original of that pra- ótice was llavifh fear, when God had opened a door of accefs to himfelf. 2. It breaketh our courage, in owning the ways of God, and truths of God. The -'Apofk when he preffeth Timothy not to be afhamed of the teftimony of the Lord, nor his fèr- vants, and to be partakers of the atRift'ions of the Gofpel; he urgeth this Argument-, 2 Tim. I. 7, 8. For we have not received the fpirit of fear, but the fp irit of love, and power, and of a found mind: a" iaa halm is ar,,rsadrsaEss a poor cowardly dafterdly fpirit, ma- ted or overcome with every difficulty; but now a fpirit conitnied in the love ofGod,and the faith and hope of the Gofpel, is a fruit of power and fortitude, the righteous is as bold as a Lion, Pro. 28. I. Dan. 3. 17, 18. If it be fo,our God whom we ferve,is able to de, liver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king l but if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will notferve thy gods, nor worfhip the golden image which thou haft fit up; and Rom. 8. 37, 38. 1 amperfwaded,that neither life, nor death, nor Angels, nor principalities, nor powers, ncr things prefe t, nor things tó some, nor height, nor depth, ßsall be able to feparate us from the love of God which is in Ch;i(i Jefx; our Lord. 3. It hindreth thegeadinefs anal yhearfnlnefr of our fervice, and crippleth our endeavours. The floathful fervant was'affraid, Luke 19.21, 22. whenave do not know whether we fhall pleafe or be accepted or no , 'tis a very difcouraging thing , and we drive on heavily, when.nothing appears to us but fear; but love maketh a willing people, 1 Job. 5. 3. For this is the love of God, that we /seep his commandments; and his commandments are not grievous. 4. It rehßeth fin unwillingly; we had rather let it alone, than go about it; the mortifying of lull, is like the cutting off of an Arm with a rutty Saw ; rather lèt go any thing than fin; but grace furnitheth us with the molt powerful argu- KR.Ms. For means , 1. Cherifhgood thoughts of God; the fpirit of bondage is increafed upon us by uneta- fonable fears and jealouues of God ; the Lord is good, and Both good, Pfal. r19. 68. his commands are not greivous,Matt 11.3o. My yoke is eafy and my burden is light. The tryals fent us by him, are not above meafure, nor beyond ¡Irength, 1 Cor. 1o. 53. Who will not fn eer you to be tempted itbove what you are able, Nor his punifhmeuts above defervingr Neh, 9. 13. thou haft punifhed us lets then than we deferved; he is not hard to be pleafedl nor inexorable upon our. infirmities, Mal. 3.17. And 'will fpare theta as a man fpareth his own fin that ferveth him, He is a rewarder of them that diligently Peek him, Heb, it. 6. 2. Study the nature and conflitution of the Qofpel, which maketh rich preparation of Grace, Help and Comfort for you ; this is Gods Aft of Oblivion, which eafeth you of your troubles ; for here God promifeth to blot out your tranfgreliions, and remember your finsno more; this is a Sanfuary and Refuge for your dillreffed fouls to fly unto, when purfued by the laws curf ; the Charter of your hopes, or the word of falvation which fecureth you againft the laws curie, or the fears of the damnation of Hell; the law is good, as a rule of duty, but the Gofpel is glorious, 2 Tim. r. 8, H. In fhort, Your fouls will never fit carte within you, till you refolve not to leek for that in the law which is only to be found in the Gofpel, peace of Confcence, and Reconciliation with God ; The law çan only favelhe innocent ; but the Gofpel pardoneth the penitent firmer; Look not for that in Pelf, which is only to be found in Chrift , a perfeft Righ- teoufnefs and Merit to appeafe Gods Juftice, and propitiate him to us ; this is only by the Blood and Obedience of Chi-ill; never look for that onearth which is only to be had in Heaven , which is exal and unfpotted holinefs, fade 21. Then we are prefented faultlefs in his prefence. 3. An