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Ido S E R M O N S upon Serma XIII. 3. An hearty and fincere love to God, t John 4. 18. There is no fear in love, for perfea love cafieth out fear : becaufe fear hath torment, and he that feareth it not made perfea in love.Hefpeaketh not of a childlike Reverence of the Divine,or a carefulnefi not to difpleafe him ; but of flavi(h fear o Condemnation,which is the life and foul of many mens Religioñ; but they are never foundry converted, till God hath their hearts,that is, theirlove:Now this ftrong and fervent love arihngfrom faith ir ,Chrifl,driveth and forceth this tormenting fear out of the heart, and will never be :Afraid of him whom they love; and on the other fide,will not love him whom they look upon as ready to condemn them, and call them into Hell. Surely God will never damn the foul that loveth him; therefore if we would get rid of the fear of wrath, or hell, let us love God with our higheffand belt affeâions ; we have reafon to love him, if we confider the wonder of his love and good will to (inners, manifetted to us in and by Je(ùs Chritt. 4. Live holily, and obey the motions of the fanaifying fpirit ; We deprive our (elves of comfort by falling into ten; the more the fpirit is a Sanctifier, the more a Comforter ; Holinefs breedeth a generous confidence, t John 3. 2. Behold now we are the Sons of God, Gal. 5. t8. Bat if p be led by the fpirit, ye are not under the law. If we are not watchful against fin, our bondage refurneth ; therefore David faith, Pfal. 55. 12. Re.itere unto me the joy of thy falvation , and uphold me by thy free fpirit. The Holy Spirit withdraweth and fufpendeth his comforts, when we walk vainly and loofely ; then we cannot ferve God with any delight and readinefs of mind ; 'tis not a free fpirit, but a fervile, that then governeth us, and influenceth our aftions. SERMONX'XIII. ROM. VIII. .i . But ye have received the Spirit of. Adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Fa- ther. N the Words we have, 1. A Priviledg, re have received the Spirit of Adoption. 2. One fpecial fruit and dal of it, Whereby we cry, Abba, Father. In Petting down the effelt, the change is emphatical; ye received, we cry; He includeth himfelf, and puts in his own name, together with theirs, to fbew, that it is a Priviledg common to all that receive the New Teftament ; the meanefl and leaf} of Gods Children have an af- feftionate and childlike way of praying unto God. Dal'. That the fpirit which we receive under the new Covenant difpenfation, it a first of Adoption. I (ball explain thefeFive Things. t. The flote of Adoption, which we obtain under the New Teflament. 2.. The fpirit of Adoption, confequent thereupon. 3. Whether all that live under the New Teflament Difpenfation, have the fpirit of Adop- tion. 4. Whether all that have it, know it. 5. The reafons why this it the fruit of the new Covenant Difpenfation. 1. What it the flate of Adoption p Our admiffron into Gods family,that he will be a Fa- ther to us, and we (hall be his children, 2 Cor. 6. 18. I will Le a father untoyou, and ye (hall be my fono and daughters, faith the Lord Almighty. Which isa great priviledg, if we confi.