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164 S E R M O N Supon Serm.XXIIp. na fall about the Tents of Ifrael, and the people will not go for to gather ft to fill their Homer,they may (larve; Tho the Bread of Heaven be difpenfed by fuch a liberal provilion; the Spirit is ready, but they arelazy The Spirit, by accident, is acaufeoff rvile fear ; but thefe Motions are his propereffeas. 2. A fuperfreial Chriftianity is rewarded withcommon gifts, but the real Chrifiianity with fpecial Graces. All that profefs the Faith, and are baptized into Chrift, Gal. 3. 26, 27. are vifibly adopted by God into his Family, and are under a vifible Adminiftration of the Covenant of Grace. So far as they are adopted into God's Family, fo far they are made partakers of theSpirit. Chrift giveth to common Chriflians thofe common gifts which he giveth not totheHeathen World; knowledg of the myfteries of godlinefs, abi- lities of utterance, and fpeech, about fpiritual and heavenly things; fome affeaion allo to them, called, tatting of the good Word, the heavenly.Gift, and the powers of the World to come, Heb. 6. There will not prove us true Chrillians, or really in Gods fpecial favour, but only viable profeffed Chrifl:ians. 3. Among the fincere, fame have not the fpirit of adoption at fo full a rate as others have; neither fo pure and fervent a love to God, nor fuch a refpedful obedience, and fub- mi(fion to him ; nor filch an Holy confidence andboldnefs, becoming that great hap - pinefs which they are called unto, who have the right and hope of the Bleffed in- heritance, and fo not fo much of that (on -like diGpoftion, which the fpirit worketh by revealing the Love and Mercy of God, contained in the Gofpel, in the Hearts of his People ; fome do more improve their priviledges, than others do ; now they cannot rationally expea the heft and richefi Fruits of this gift, and to be inabled and inlarg- ed by the fpirit,who do not give loch ready entertainment and obedience to his motions, as the more ferions and fruitful Chriftian doth. 4. But do all that have it, know that they have it ? I Aufwer. t. The fpirit of adoption is in fome weak, and therefore not fo perceptible as it is in others; for (mall and weak things, are hardly difcerned. All Gods Children have the fpirit of adoption in the effeas, though not in the fenfe and feeling of it. They have the fpirit of comfort, though not the comfort of it; for if any have not the fpirit of Chrift, they are none of his, Rom. $. 9. The Witnefs of his fpirit is fpoken of, as di- ftina from receiving the fpirit, v. 16. There is a Child-like inclination and impreffion left upon them, tho they know it not, own it not. There is a difference between the thing its Pelf, and the degree ; we cannot fay, we have not the fpirit of adoption, be- caufe we have not fo much of this (pint, calming our hearts, rebuking our fears, and filling us with joy and peace in believing. The fpirit was given to Chrift without meafure, but to Chriltians in a different meafure and proportion, as they yield up them- felves more or lefs to the condua of his grace, and overcome the enemies of their peace, the Devil, the World, and the Fle(h ;the impreffion is left upon Come in a fmaller, upon fome in a larger charaier 5 all are not of a growth and fize; fome are more real Chrifli- ans, others only it Or.s..v71 eminent grace will more difcover its Pelf, than a little grace under an heap of imperfettions; a fervent love will be felt, and a lively hope of Heaven demonftrate its Pelf, and an exaa obedience lets liable to difpute; as we increafe in Love, and Heavenlymindnefs, fo the fpirit difcovereth his prefence in us. 2. Where the fpirit of adoption a5leth at the lowefi rate, there is fomething to difference it from the fpirit of bondage. T. They are carrried on to watt upon God, upon Gofpel grounds ; though they cannot apply the comforts, and enter themfelves heirs to the priviledges thereof; fome know they are of the truth, and can make out their title with clearnefs and fatisfaaion, 1 John 3. 14. And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and gall affáre our hearts before him; others depend on Gods general offer,while their claim and fincerity is as yet queltionable: God offereth to be a Father in Chrift to all penitent believers, and fo we are incou- raged to come to him by Chrift: the Apofile telleth us, Reb. 7. 19. That the gofpel brought in a better hope, by vertue of which we draw nigh to God. There is a Child -like in- clination,when there is not a Child -like familiarity and boldnefs ;the foul cannot keep away from God, but will come to him that he may pardon our fins and heal our fouls, and fave our perlons ; now this is the fpirit of adoption in the lower, or more obfcure way of addreffing our (elves to God as a Father. a. There are child -like groans, as well as child like comforts, compare Rom. 8. 26. The fpirit it felf maketb intercefflon for us, with fights and groans, which cannot be tittered ;with z Pet