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68 SER iVf ® N S itpon Serm. X1V: SERMON XXI V. ROM. VIII. 16. the fpirtlt its felf wittrefeth to our fpirits, that. we are the children if God. N the Words we have, I. The Priviledg allured, That We diet hechall dren of God. 2. The double Tefiimony, by which it is confirmed, Pik fpirit its Pelf beareth witnef to oar fpirits 5 or if you will, here aïè Tefies, & Tefiimonium, the thing witneß'ed, That we are the childrâe of God 5 and the Witnejes, they are two, the fpirit its felf, and óid fpirits : And in themouth of two or three Witnetfes every thing iI eltablilhed ; The fpirit its felf is the Holy Ghoft, and our fpirits ate our renewed confciences. Doff. That o Adoption into Gods Family is evidenced by the teflimonj of th'e fpt"'rit our fpirits. I. I (hall (hew you the Worth and Value of the Priviledg, 2. Speak fomething of this double Teflimony, by which it is atfured to us. For the firft, It is certainly a great Priviledg, for we are excited to confider it wilti wonder and reverence, t'John 3. i. Behold what manner of love the father hash beflollf ed upon us,, that we fhoald be called the fans of God 'Tis a bleffed Priviledg,t ?uefliotnÍ@ts; to have God for our Father, and Chrift for our Elder Brother, and Heaven for MI Portion 5 what can we defire more ? And this will appear to you, if you confider; I. The Perfon adopting: The great and glorious Gèd, who far Abovetas, fo fia1Ii py within himflf, and needeth not us, nor our choicelt love and fervice 5 whd had a Son of his own, Jefus Chrift the only Begotten of the Father, who thought it nil robbery to be equal with him in Power and Glory, Phil. 2. 6. A fan that was the expreß image of his perfon, Heb. s. 3. The fon of his love, Col. t. 13. In whom his foul foiiiìd full complacency, Prov. 8.30. I was daily his delight, rejoicing always ,before him : If Men adopt, 'cis in orbitatis folatium, a remedy found out far the comfort of them ttilE haven° children 5 Seldom was it heard, that a Father, who had a Son, fhould .adope ä Son 5 therefore it heightens the Priviledg, that God Ihould vouchfafe to poor creature filch a dear and honourable relation to himfelf. The Perforas who were adopted 5 Miferable (inners, who were once ftrangers ansIeBÉ: mies, Col: 1r 2 t: Children of Wrath, even as others, Eph. it 3. Who had cart äwaJl the Mercies of their Creation, and involved themfelves in the curfe5 now that lira: gers Ihould be taken into the family, and put in the placa of children, and dealt with children 5 @that enemies tliould not only be reconciled, but have liberty to own the Bié fed God; astheir Father in Chrift 5 that children of wrath thould be called to inhetl,Ei a bleffing, hat dirge who had fo often offendedGod,and were become (laves toSatan,thöUIB be called into the liberty of the children of God 5 this is that which we may wondeê at, and fay, Behold what manner of love is this t