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Ver. 16. the 8th Chapter to the, ROMANS. 1.69 3. The Dignity it feif ; compared, I. With the honours of the World ; David f ith, I Sam. 18.23. Seemeth it a light thing to you to bea Kings Somin. law? We may wit hbet- ter reason fay, is it nothing to be taken into Gods Family, and to become Sons, and Daughters of the Mott High God ? all relations may bluth and hide their faces in com- parifon of this. All the splendid Titles which are fo Ambitioufly affet}ed by the World, are but empty Shews, and gilded Vanities, and do much come fbgrt of this priviledge, both in honour and profit : therefore 'tis a greater inflance of the love of God, than if he had made us Monarchs of the World : or if a man could deduce his Pedigree froni an uninterrupted Line of Nobles and Princes. Alas ! how much better is it to be born of the Spirit, than of the froth of the Blood ? and to have a Title that will be our Ho- nour and intereft to all Eternity, than to be diftinguithed from others by a Title that will ceafe at the Graves Mouth ? 2. Compared with Gods relation to other creatures : there is a Relation between God and all his Creatures ; as he gave being to all, fo he bath an Intertfi and Propriety in alt. Sun, and Moon, and Stars, are called his Servants, Pfal. I i9. 91. All Creatures are fubjeft to the Law of his over - ruling Providence : But Man is under his proper Government. Adam, by theCovenant of Works, was rather God's Sublet}, and hiredServant,than his Son : The people of Ifrael were his Children ; but as Children in their nonage; for an heir as long as he is a Child íl s ItreiputiAr,Gal. 4. I. The heir as long ai he is a child, äiffereth little from a fervant, though he be Lord of all. A fervile Spirit was upmoft in that difpenfation. With refpet} to the Covenant of Grace, fo we are moli ftri&ly laid to be children of God. Ga1.3.26. For ye are all children of God by faith in Cbri11 Jeftei. Some live onely under the visible Adminifiration of the New Covenant, but not under the Efficacy and Power; and by the Ordinances of the Gospel have the badges of liberty; but they are not free indeed, tons indeed; there are among them others wh omGod bath begotten by his Spirit, and Adopted and taken into his Family ; he bath a Paternal Affe &ion towards them, and they a Filial difpofition towards him : he bath a Paternal care and providence over them ; and they have a Filial confidence and dependance on him: he expet}s the honour of a Father, and they may expel the priviledges of Chil- dren : his fpecial Relation is diftin& from his common Relation to other men, for it pro- ceedeth not from his common goodnefs, but his fpecial and peculiar love. The whole Commerce and Communion that is between us and him, is on God's part, Fatherly ; on our parr, Childlike. He giveth us his choicelt benefits, and we perform to him the belt fervice we can. 4. The manner how'tis brought about. The first Foundation of it was laid in the Elea i- en of God. He is thebottom -Stone in this Building, Eph. 1.5. Predeflinatedto the adop. tion of children, according to the good pleafure of his will. Now what are we , that the thoughts of God ( hould be taken up about us, fo long ago? Secondly, Before God's Eter- nal purpofes could be executed, and conveniently made known to the World, Reaewp. lion by Chrifl was neçeffary. Therefore 'eis faid,Gal.4. 4, S. That he was made of a woman, made under the law, that we might receive the adoption of children. Sin needed to be Expiated by the Son of God in our Nature, before God would beftow his honour upon us : Chrift was to be our Brother, before God- could be our Father: and to take a Mother upon Earth, that we might have a Father in Heaven : and to endure the Law's Curfe, before we could be inftated in the Bleffing. 3. it is neceffary, That we sbould be regenerated, and born of God, before. it can be applied to us. For .this new Relation dependeth upon the New Birth : and none are Adopted, but s bole that are Regenerated, and renewed to thé Image and Likenefs of God : Nominal Chrilbans are Bafiards, and not Sons: not illegitimate, but degenerate Children. The Relative Change, goeth before the Real. John I. 12, 13. To as many as receive him, to themgave he power to become the foes of God : which are born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the next Foundation of this Re- lation,is not our Being which we have from God as a Creator, but our New Being,which we have from him as our Father in Christ. As we are Men, God is a Governor to us, and we are his Subje&s: As we are New Men, God is a Father to us, and we are his Children. 4. The Immedcue ifíue of Regeneration is Faith, John 1. t 2. To as many as received him, to themgave he power to become the Sons of God, even to as mans so believe iu his name. Receiving Chrift is an hearty confent to take Chrift to the ends for which God offereth him : namely, That he may be our Lord and Saviour, that we depending upon the Me- rit of his Obedience and Sacrifice, and afi'urance of his Covenant and Promifes, may obey his Laws, and wait for our final Reward. Y g. The