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the BthChapter to the ROMANS. 197 and other demonrtrations of love. to fupport his expe£tation from him that Adopted, him, that all the eftate falleth to him. So in the mean time. Gods Children have the' pledges of his love, the Poffefíon of the Heavenly Inheritance is begún here' in the Kingdom of Grace and is afterwards compleared in the Kingdom of Glory. The'fpi, rit now with his comforts and graces islet forth under a double notion of earnefk and firft fruits, Eph. t. 14. The earner} of inheritage. Firft fruits, Rom.8,.2 j. There are two as of a Chrilban, To look, and long for this ettate,: look for it, becau le' 'cis fore; and long for it, becaufe it is good : God giveth us a pledg and earneft, to fhow how Cure; a talle, to thew how good; thus far they agree. 2. Wherein they difagree. t, 'Tis an inheritance, not !dewed by the multitude of coheirs : God is an infinite Por- tion, that cannot be divided, and.futlìceth the whole World. in other heritages many, a fair ttream is drawn dry, by being difperfed into feveral channels 5 but here the more company, the greater the priviledg ; what an happinefi is +it to injoy God among all the Saints ! The company is ever propounded as a blef$og, Math .8. - t r. Te hall tt damn with Abraham, Ifaac, and `Jacob, in the Dingdom of Heaven; and Heb. 12. 2; 23 Te are come to an innumerable company of Angels, &c. When God is all in all, he will fill up every veffel. As when the fame light is teen by' all, the fame fpeech is heard by all; - The one doth not fee legs, nor the other hears lets , becaufe another feeth, and heated/. with .him : in the world we ftraïten others, the more we are inlarged our felves; but not then. 2. In other inheritances the Father mug die, before the fan caninherit. Hereditas eli fuc -; . (die in totem jus defunbti. Death taketh away the Father, that the Son may fucceed him ; God bath heirs, but no fucceffors ; we do not pallets after our Fathers death,( but with our Father; he liveth for ever, and we live for ever with him 5 we die that we may go to the living God ; when Itrength faileth, and heart faileth, them art my por* tin/ for ever, Pfal. 73+ 26. when others mutt leave their inhetitance, we go to ours, then it beginneth. 3. In other Heritages, the heirs are deigned by name, but here by charae1er ; men are contentious, every one would fay, he is meant in therdifcription ; but here the heirs are not named but defcribed by certain qualifications which mutt be tried b- out felves , warranted by the fpirit, judged and examined by Chrift at the lait day. Sometimes they are termed the called, Heb.-9. t s, That they that are called may receive the promife of eternal Inheritance; by which is meant,thofe which are effelually called, and converted unto God. Sometimes this priviledg is fettled upon believers; John r, is. fuck ,as do heartily and thankfully accept of Chrill, and his Grace 5 and Iòmetimes the Sanctified, as Col, t. t 2. and Acts. zo. 18. Cuch as are dedicated to God,and live as a people fet apart for him, all there are Cons, therefore made heirs, qualified, and made capable of this bleffed Inheritance. Thirdly, The properties of this Inheritance, which let forth the grearnefs of it t:Tís aglorious inheritance, Eph. t. t 8.Thatye may Dnow nshat is the riches of the glory if the inheritance in the Saints. That Inheritance which is appointed for thole who are re- newed by the Spirit of God, is a glorious inheritance. There is nothing in Heaven but what is glorious; the objelt of it is the glorious God whom we (hall feed is we ate feen; 1 Cor.- 13. as. Efpecially as he Ihineth forth in the Glorious perfon Of our Re- deemer, John 17. 24. Father, l will that thole mhom thou hag given me, may be where Lim.; that they may behold my glory. The (}ate of our Bodies and Souls (hall be glorious, Phil. 3. 21. the place (hall be glorions, the upper Paradice, 2 Còr, i S. 4. the company glorious, all the glorified Saints and Angels. Our imployment glorious, Rev. 7. 12, Bleffing, and Prai(ing, and Glorifying of God, for ever and ever. 2. Tos an eternal and snd led inheritance; r Pet. 1. 4. To an inheritance incor- ruptible, and undefiled, thatfadeth not away, ref rved in heaven. far you: i gather frotti that place, that it is a celettial and incorruptible inherìtance;and Cddoth excel all world- ly poffeffions which come from Fathers to their children; the things of this world are both defiling, and perifhing 5 they pollute us, omnis turpitude eft a mixture, when our hearts cleave to the things of this World, they are debated by them, to Comething beneath themfelves; but this celeiiál inheritance Both not corrupt, but ptïrifie affeûions; there things below make us worfe, but cannot make us better ;they are perifhing as well as fading ; for they decay in our hands; like Flowers they Witiet in our Hands while we Nell at them ; -but this endureth for ever, we (hall not fa" 'od to be fare the evet- living God will not fail us. 8 Z 3'Te