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Ióo S E R Nf 0 N S upon Serm7.54XV; the good be rewarded, and the wicked punifhed ? 'Tis unlèen, but it is [et before us in the promifes of the Gofpel, which God bath confirmed by miracles, and fanftified to the converfion and confolation of many fouls throughout all fuccefi-ions of ages ; and were the bell and wifeft of men, that ever cite world faw, deceived with a vain fancy Or can a lye ordelufron be fanlified tofuch high and holy ends ? therefore do you believe it, John r 1. 26. Whofoever liveth and believeth in me, (hall never die ; believefi thou this? If you believe your Reconciliationwith God by the death of Chrift, why not your fal- vation by his life ? If your adoption into his family,why not the inheritance ? both pri- viledges Rand by the fame grace. . 2. Let us live always in the delire of it, that delire that will quicken you to look af- ter it, Phil. 3. 14. And to Peek after it in the firft place, Matth. 6.33. That delire that will quicken you to long for the enjoyment of it, Phil. I. 23. 3. To comfort your fetus with the hope of it. Rom. 5. 2. And rejoice in hope of the glo- ry of God; 'tis the glory of God ; God giveth it, God is the folid part of it, and can we expel fhortly to live with God, and upon God, and not rejoice in the hope of it ? Is a deed of gift from God, the fecurity of infallible promifes,nothing ? Is the Title no- thing before poffeffron ? When this eftateis fo fure and near, we fhould more lift up our heads, and revive our drooping fpirits. 4. Let us walk worthy of it : 1. Defp fng Satans offers, Heb. 12. 26. Be not a prophane perfn, as was Efau. t Kings 21. 3. The Lord forbi that I fhould part with the inheritance of my father. Be chary of your inheritance, keep the hopes clear, frelh, and lively. 2. Wean your hearts from the world, Col. 3. r, 2. If ye be rif n with Chrifi, feek the things that are above, fit youraetlions above, and not on theearth. There is your Father, your Head, your Chrift, your Patrimony ; 'tis referved for you in the Heavens. 3. Live in all holy converfatiòn and godlinefs, 1 Pet. 3.7. Living as heirs of the grace of life, in all duties to God, love to one another, fidelity in all our relations. We that fhall live in the clear vifion and full fruition of God in Chrift, (hould be other manner of per - fons. 4. In an heavenly manner, Phil. 3. 20. But our converfation is in heaven. Either alt. ing for it,orliving upon it,or collating our felves with it;with delightful thoughts ofHea- ven fweeten your pilgrimage here ; be willing to fuffer afilions if God call us there- unto,patiently ; you fuffer with Chrift : Chrift takes it as done to himfelf, Alts g. 4. Why perfecutefi thou me? Fill up your (hare of the fufferings Providence hath appoint. ed for Chrift Myftical, Col. 1. 24. Who now rejoice in my afublions for you, and fill op- that which is behind of the afliillions of Chrifi in my fle/h, for his bodies fake, which is the church. 2 Cor. i. 6. And whether we be affliíted it is for your confolation and falvation ; and Phil. 3. to. That I may know him, and the power of his refurrellion, and the' fellowfbip of his Miring', being made conformable unto his death. S E®